This toy was the perfect size for my 4 year old. He was so excited to receive it and immediately started playing with it. Days later it is still getting a lot of attention!
This toy was the perfect size for my 4 year old. He was so excited to receive it and immediately started playing with it. Days later it is still getting a lot of attention! -
My daughter is obsessed with Gabby’s Dollhouse and to finally get a toy she was so excited! She is 3 and she opened it with her 10 year old cousin who was over for a play date and they both loved it! The details were so cute and their favourite... +
My daughter is obsessed with Gabby’s Dollhouse and to finally get a toy she was so excited! She is 3 and she opened it with her 10 year old cousin who was over for a play date and they both loved it! The details were so cute and their favourite part was the spa hat with the cucumber eyes. Even when she is not playing with mercat in the set she is carrying her around everywhere with her. -