
  Member Since:  February 9, 2012


TYLENOL® Ultra Relief

TYLENOL® Ultra Relief

My overall rating
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On: September 09, 2023

Great product, just for someone like me with CRPS it only helps relieve migraines and not the pain. My husband used this and said it worked great for him

PanOxyl PM Blemish Brightening Patches

PanOxyl PM Blemish Brightening Patches

My overall rating
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On: August 11, 2023

I have sensitive skin and did break out in a rash on my face, Im not sure if there’s an ingredient I had an issue with. I recommend this product to people with non sensitive skin

PanOxyl PM Blemish Brightening Patches

PanOxyl PM Blemish Brightening Patches

My overall rating
Recommended? You Betcha!
On: August 11, 2023

I have sensitive skin and did break out in a rash on my face, Im not sure if there’s an ingredient I had an issue with. I recommend this product to people with non sensitive skin

PanOxyl PM Overnight Spot Patches

PanOxyl PM Overnight Spot Patches

My overall rating
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On: August 11, 2023

I have sensitive skin and did break out in a rash on my face, Im not sure if there’s an ingredient I had an issue with. I recommend this product to people with non sensitive skin

Werther's Mocha Candy

Werther's Mocha Candy

My overall rating
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On: February 09, 2012

i love all werther's candies but the mocha is my favorite, i cant afford to buy my mocha latte's everyday so sucking on a mocha werther's is just as good and not as fattening.