Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser. It says it all in the name. CLEANS LIKE MAGIC! Scuff marks on linoleum, GONE! Highlighter on the wall, GONE! Permanent marker on the counter top? No problem, GONE! Got something that you just cant seem to get off? Try Mr... +
Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser. It says it all in the name. CLEANS LIKE MAGIC! Scuff marks on linoleum, GONE! Highlighter on the wall, GONE! Permanent marker on the counter top? No problem, GONE! Got something that you just cant seem to get off? Try Mr. Cleans Magic eraser. How else could they describe the magnitude of awesomeness this thing can do? -
Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is my go to for many, many, many things. From washing my dishes, to washing my car dawns my one one stop shop to clean all. Its very tough on grease, dirt, and grime, but also soft and gentle on hands, and It smells... +
Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is my go to for many, many, many things. From washing my dishes, to washing my car dawns my one one stop shop to clean all. Its very tough on grease, dirt, and grime, but also soft and gentle on hands, and It smells absolutely wonderful to top it all off! I would recommend this product to any and everyone! -
Im am just baffled at how great this product is. You can add a cap full, read that again, just 1 cap full to a whole load of laundry an remain smelling absolutely wonderful all day. It gives my clothes the pick-Me-Up they needed. Amazing product... +
Im am just baffled at how great this product is. You can add a cap full, read that again, just 1 cap full to a whole load of laundry an remain smelling absolutely wonderful all day. It gives my clothes the pick-Me-Up they needed. Amazing product Downy, GOOD JOB! The world thanks you! -
I LOVE perfume/body spray, and im a very picky individual when it comes to how i smell. The 1st time i smelled Black by Kenneth Cole i was sold. Ive wore it ever since. It is by far one of the best smelling scents on the market. You guys did an... +
I LOVE perfume/body spray, and im a very picky individual when it comes to how i smell. The 1st time i smelled Black by Kenneth Cole i was sold. Ive wore it ever since. It is by far one of the best smelling scents on the market. You guys did an amazing job with this product! On behalf of every woman everywhere, THANK YOU!!! -
Aussies 3 minute miracle color deep treatment does my hair absolute wonders. Ive dyed my hair multiple times, so as you can imagine, i have trouble with dryness, brittleness, dead ends, and color fading. Aussies 3 minute miracle solves all of those... +
Aussies 3 minute miracle color deep treatment does my hair absolute wonders. Ive dyed my hair multiple times, so as you can imagine, i have trouble with dryness, brittleness, dead ends, and color fading. Aussies 3 minute miracle solves all of those, and when i say all i mean AUSSIES 3 MINUTE MIRACLE COLOR DEEP TREATMENT SOLVES EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM! Tremendously good job Aussie! -