I liked the idea but 1. My kreiger doesn’t have a cold brew option so it was just hot and had to add iced cubes which melted and I had to add more which wasn’t the worst thing in the world but I mean common, it’s not ideal. Then the flavour... +
I liked the idea but 1. My kreiger doesn’t have a cold brew option so it was just hot and had to add iced cubes which melted and I had to add more which wasn’t the worst thing in the world but I mean common, it’s not ideal. Then the flavour just wasn’t it honestly it was a strange flavour that I wasn’t fond of I really liked the idea tho maybe a different flavour would be best maybe a cold brew option on my kreiger would be better but I’m not sure. Coconut and chocolate was just not it for me though but hey I like to try new things. -
Got it for #free ! Thanks @chapmansicecream @thisisbutterly for the opportunity to try this ice cream ! The main things about this #product are : • #Peanut free, #nut free and #egg free • Made with 100% #Canadiandairy • #Packaging... +
Got it for #free ! Thanks @chapmansicecream @thisisbutterly for the opportunity to try this ice cream ! The main things about this #product are :
• #Peanut free, #nut free and #egg free
• Made with 100% #Canadiandairy
• #Packaging certified to the #SustainableForestryInitiative
• Made with #realcream, always #fresh
• #Convenient 500mL size
I liked the ice cream I love that their was #chunks of strawberries in it but it just didn’t hit that #special #spot for me I think if the #flavour was different it woulda hit well nice so you know that this means ?! Time to go out and get me a different flavour to try
Ok so I’m a sugar queen so this was kind of bland for me but holy macaroni I added some berry vodka and a splash of sprite and lemon and OMG I almost fell out of my chair (I’m sure the vodka had nothing to do with that haha) that drink combo is... +
Ok so I’m a sugar queen so this was kind of bland for me but holy macaroni I added some berry vodka and a splash of sprite and lemon and OMG I almost fell out of my chair (I’m sure the vodka had nothing to do with that haha) that drink combo is a life changer drinks at my place everyone ! Hahaha. The combo is unreal I’m telling you, you gotta try it #gotitfree #canadadrytripleberryclubsoda -