
  Member Since:  December 13, 2010


on June 22, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

Hey lovely lady!

on January 15, 2011  ngill  1,669 said:

Oh Gosh I wish I was at LCF!! Haha, no I was only doing work experience in London, no classes for me. As far as I know, he was teaching in the Spring. I just thought it would be amazing if we both knew the same prof in London and then crossed paths in Toronto!! It is a small world tho!

on December 18, 2010  ngill  1,669 said:

Hey Oendrila!

Loved your first posing wall piece! I have an incredibly random question for you, when you were studying at the London College of Fashion, did you have Mark O'Connor as a prof? I just finished working with him, and I know he teaches a course there for Fashion PR students.

Just curious!!
  Cute Picture

on December 13, 2010  mamaluv  240 said:

gorgeous pic, Oendrila!
  Cute Picture

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