| Enjoy!
Thank You |
 | Hello |
 | Hello Patricia. Hope to make another Chick Connection with you!
Good Writer |
 | Absolutely, it's always nice to know you're on the right track. Thanks for supporting :) |
 | My name is Shelley Harrison look for me on facebook, University of Winnipeg, HR Management...Hope I can find you...
Shelley |
 | I was at the Showcase in Toronto and meet our friend Miranda. We tested 10 new products on the spot at the Ritz Carlton and had a great afternoon. I do enter the contests but haven't been chosen. Nice to hear from you.
Thank You |
 | The town next to us waited until after the storm was long gone before they set off the warning siren's. A lot of help that was to anyone that lives there ay. LOL Our dog has a few more days of lock down, but he seems like his old self now. He's been off the pain meds and he lets me rub his hips with out crying, so I think he should stay this way by the first of June when the vet wants me to call him. What a relief!! Oh, just so you know my husband comes home today, so I won't be on for awhile. Enjoy your day and happy reviewing. :) |
 | The funny thing is that we didn't even know we had a tornado until two hours later when pic's started showing up on face book. And no we don't have a basement, or a cellar to hide in. We only have one floor to our house, so I have no where to hide from bad storms. Yesterday they said it was an F1 tornado and today they're saying it wasn't one at all. They had some fancy name for what they're calling it now, but it sure looks like one to me! If you have face book you can see pic's on the CKLW radio stations face book page. |
 | Morning, things have been so crazy here all week. Yesterday we had a storm go through and a small tornado touched down a half mile from my house! I was watching the storm as it past and I saw the wind and rain start to spin in my front yard. I thought this huge tree that's across the street from me was coming down for sure, but it managed to stay up.As for our dog/baby, he's still with us for now. Today will be his first day with out the pain medication. So this week will be the big test. The vet told us the medication will mask his pain so even if he seemed better this past week it wouldn't mean that he was. Now its just a matter of time.Have a nice day. :) |
 | I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. One of our dearest friends lost their mother on Friday, it was so sad. She was such a strong beautiful woman who always had a big smile on her face. Than Monday afternoon my husband was throwing the ball around the back yard for our lab. He
jumped off the deck that's only about four inches off the ground and he
must have landed wrong when he hit the grass, or some how got hung up
on the deck. We never saw what happened, all we heard was him start
screaming out in pain. When we turned around he was dragging both of his
back legs behind him. We thought he broke his back or broke both back
legs! It was one of the scariest things I've seen in a very long time! It took him some time but he did start walking on both legs again. We thought for sure we were going to have to put him down. My husband had to go back out of town to work yesterday, but he told me to give him a few days and if he didn't get any better to bring him to the vet. We also have steps that he has to go down to get into the back yard and he's having a hard time getting up and down and his hips are swollen, so I have to try and take him in today.
We tried to pick him up to help him onto our bed where he like's to
sleep, but he screamed out in pain, so I don't know how I'm going to get
him into my car with out hurting him more. Any how the vet should be
open by now, so I better go see what they have to say. Hope you had a
nice Holiday weekend and congrats on your badge, bye for now. |