This used to be an amazing product to use for aftercare from bug bites but today i swear we have superbugs out there and this just doesn't work anymore. It gives relief that lasts about 30 minutes and you're back to re-applying it. It's not as... +
This used to be an amazing product to use for aftercare from bug bites but today i swear we have superbugs out there and this just doesn't work anymore. It gives relief that lasts about 30 minutes and you're back to re-applying it. It's not as effective as it used to be they probably need to re-think the formula. -
These have multi uses. I do use them to gently clean the outside of my ear, but they're very dangerous if you insert them too far and i wish more people understood this. It also doesn't help wax build up it pushes it deeper until the build up... +
These have multi uses. I do use them to gently clean the outside of my ear, but they're very dangerous if you insert them too far and i wish more people understood this. It also doesn't help wax build up it pushes it deeper until the build up becomes a problem.
I use q-tips for painting my nails. I often use them for poka dots by gently dipping the tips into the jar and dabbing them onto my nails.
I use them for make-up applications and removals
I just must always have these in my home they're so useful.
I think that facebook has it's strength's and weaknesses. 1) I love facebook because it allows me to keep in touch with people i meet on my many travel adventures to different countries. I wouldn't be able to have such close contact with them... +
I think that facebook has it's strength's and weaknesses.
1) I love facebook because it allows me to keep in touch with people i meet on my many travel adventures to different countries. I wouldn't be able to have such close contact with them without it
2) I love that facebook keeps me connected to friends and family back home, since i moved with the time difference it's hard to always call but we can share things any time online.
3) It's a great source of information for what's going on I follow great blogs - companies - businesses - and news stations to receive updated information on the go.
4) I love being able to share pictures and see pictures people share of nature/family ect.
I think the downfall is the spam you receive and the lack of privacy because the company basically sells your information. It can be invasive if you share too much information.
I love creamsicles they taste so good. They're very sweet and the ice cream in the middle is really creamy. The two mix so well together. The only thing is they really do leave your lips and tongue coloured from the dye especially the Blue. Orange... +
I love creamsicles they taste so good. They're very sweet and the ice cream in the middle is really creamy. The two mix so well together. The only thing is they really do leave your lips and tongue coloured from the dye especially the Blue. Orange is my favourite. -
I honestly do not eat this as a cereal it's just a bit bland and not really what i would call a breakfast for myself. However i do love cornflakes for cooking/baking. You can use it in many various recipe's if you haven't tried i suggest you look... +
I honestly do not eat this as a cereal it's just a bit bland and not really what i would call a breakfast for myself. However i do love cornflakes for cooking/baking. You can use it in many various recipe's if you haven't tried i suggest you look some up. -
My mom used to use this on me when i was little, and to this day i still think this is a great product when i get a really bad cough. It helps me get through the night. It clears my lungs and gives a cooling sensation. it's like a instant relief of... +
My mom used to use this on me when i was little, and to this day i still think this is a great product when i get a really bad cough. It helps me get through the night. It clears my lungs and gives a cooling sensation. it's like a instant relief of pressure off my chest. -
I'm not a fan of cranberry in these bars it throws off the overall taste for me. But the nutrition value is there. It's great for a quick snack. I love the Chia but prefer different flavours of this granola.
I'm not a fan of cranberry in these bars it throws off the overall taste for me. But the nutrition value is there. It's great for a quick snack. I love the Chia but prefer different flavours of this granola. -
This is a great alternative for me to use for my skin instead of the oil based on but it can never replace the oil because it's still way better then the gel. It gives a lot more moisture and better on the baby skin then the gel.
This is a great alternative for me to use for my skin instead of the oil based on but it can never replace the oil because it's still way better then the gel. It gives a lot more moisture and better on the baby skin then the gel. -
I can't get on board with these, I find they way too salty and bitter in taste. Separately they seem to work as I do enjoy these snacks when they're not combined. I also find that they dont have as much salt individually as they do when they've been... +
I can't get on board with these, I find they way too salty and bitter in taste. Separately they seem to work as I do enjoy these snacks when they're not combined. I also find that they dont have as much salt individually as they do when they've been packages together. -
I usually gravitate towards this salsa in the food isle because it typically is priced well and tastes good compared to other brands on the market. I love the chunky mild. I typically use this salsa for chips n dip. I love that you can buy it in a... +
I usually gravitate towards this salsa in the food isle because it typically is priced well and tastes good compared to other brands on the market. I love the chunky mild. I typically use this salsa for chips n dip. I love that you can buy it in a large quantity because in this family we have a few people who basically devour salsa. -