
  Member Since:  February 26, 2014


on May 03, 2017  R3Bean  17,972 said:

Hi there I just took a moment to send you a friends request. I enjoyed reading your reviews :) Have a nice day

  Great Advice

on March 13, 2017  jmca  9,275 said:

Friend request sent

on September 27, 2016  Venus Loves Virgo said:


I tried to approve your friend request but the link did not do anything. Do I need to click on something specific ? I haven't been on here for awhile, sorry!

on August 22, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:

I missed out on the Vichy campaign , which was a bummer :(
But glad other chicks on this site were able to enjoy!

Currently I am using the Vichy face cleanser and makeup remover and am so happy by the results.
  Good Writer

on August 09, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:

Hope you are having an AMAZING summer!!

I can't believe it is mid-August :)

Make these last days count :)

I noticed you got the Vichy campaign :) congrats!!
What is better than Vichy products??? FREE Vichy products ;)
Hope you liked and enjoyed!!

on March 10, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:

This coming weekend
I am dreading it
I love waking up to natural light
not pitch black :(

on March 09, 2016  wonderwhatif  86,319 said:

Sent a friend request!

on March 04, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:

spring is comingggg
wait when i day lights saviung?

on March 01, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:


on February 01, 2016  sandrusia  46,067 said:

I know February was great for incentives and sampling :)
I am still waiting on the Garnier ;)

and yum yum chocolate from Brookside was amazingggg treat!!!

I hope the same for February and yes melt the snow :)
  Great Advice

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