
  Member Since:  October 19, 2009


on April 09, 2018  lesliemuir2  9,657 said:

Your profile picture is beautiful!! Great job on all the campaigns!

on April 06, 2018  fredamans  12,209 said:

Thank you for connecting!
  Thank You

on August 28, 2017  sweet_sara  16,920 said:

I love trying different cupcake recipes and playing around with the frosting!! I also like baking cream puffs, brownies, coconut cream pie and assorted squares.

on August 25, 2017  sweet_sara  16,920 said:

What are your favourite desserts to bake? No, I wish I baked the desserts in my profile picture. They are from a work conference I went to. Thanks for adding me back as a friend.
  Thank You

on July 14, 2017  Shystarr79  28,773 said:

Thanks so much. She's a little beauty queen for sure. She's a smart little girl already. Whenever she's awake she constantly cries to be held. I can't believe tomorrow she will be four weeks old already. Since it's my last baby I'm trying to cherish every minute but I still find the grow too fast. My son is already 17 and graduated and my other daughter will be two in November. I better stop blinking or I might miss something. I hope all is going well with you! All the best!
  Thank You

on July 01, 2017  lamurap  13,926 said:

Hello Prettyrainbow:

I hope that you enjoy your much deserved summer break!

Do you have any special plans?


on June 15, 2017  GabrielleSF  4,832 said:

Omg Chick Advisor Goals❤️

on June 07, 2017  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

I don't blame you for being happy for having the summer off. I am sure you work so hard and deserve the break. The older I am getting time just goes by so quickly. Usually I only work three days week unless someone needs time off, vacations or just sick. My husband is a HVAC Installer so Summer is his busy time off the year. What am I saying he is always working sometimes seven days a week. In the Winter he installs furnaces with his son Billy who lives with us and that just finished his college course for his Gas Technician License. We are so proud. So probably no vacation. But I will enjoy my patio, taking my dog Molly for walks and gardening. Hope you have a Wonderful Summer with your family. Thanks for taking the time to write me back. Have a nice night Christine.

on June 04, 2017  chrissyann123  85,968 said:

Thanks for taking the time to write me back. I had a full week of work this week. But I am enjoying my Sunday off. I remember your a teacher soon you will be off hopefully for the summer. Enjoy ! Thank you for the very nice comments you are just the same so nice and also thoughtful. Hope your having a Wonderful Sunday and have a Great Week.

on June 03, 2017  Ellimay  7,256 said:

Thank you for accepting. Have a good weekend to you to.
  Good Writer

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