I bought this for my daughter since she loves photography and it exceeded my expectations. The ease of use especially for a toddler was amazing and the options made it a must have item for our family trips. It's been 4 years now and the camera has... +
I bought this for my daughter since she loves photography and it exceeded my expectations. The ease of use especially for a toddler was amazing and the options made it a must have item for our family trips. It's been 4 years now and the camera has never had an issue and still works like new. -
These wipes are prefect! Wonderfully scented, dries fairly quickly and always easy on the pocketbook. I keep these all over my house? In my car and in my office. Especially necessary during this pandemic and for anyone surg children.
These wipes are prefect! Wonderfully scented, dries fairly quickly and always easy on the pocketbook. I keep these all over my house? In my car and in my office. Especially necessary during this pandemic and for anyone surg children. -
This is the perfect product for my daughter's backpack and the scents are lovely yet mild. Great prices when you catch them on sale especially during the semi annual sales.
This is the perfect product for my daughter's backpack and the scents are lovely yet mild. Great prices when you catch them on sale especially during the semi annual sales. -
The new downy infusions line is one of my favorites. It not only keeps my clothes amazingly soft but my daughter's sensitive skin is also not affected by it. I hope they keep this line of products in their product line indefinitely.
The new downy infusions line is one of my favorites. It not only keeps my clothes amazingly soft but my daughter's sensitive skin is also not affected by it. I hope they keep this line of products in their product line indefinitely. -
I recently purchased the kalorik air fryer Maxx oven during a cyber Monday sale and have been more and more surprised by its capabilities. I made banana walnut bread in both my air fryer oven and my conventional oven to compare and nominee could... +
I recently purchased the kalorik air fryer Maxx oven during a cyber Monday sale and have been more and more surprised by its capabilities. I made banana walnut bread in both my air fryer oven and my conventional oven to compare and nominee could tell the difference. Both breads were moist, evenly cooked and delicious. I've made homemade wings, fries and lumpia in it all with ease and even cooking. Definitely would recommend this oven. -