Yesterday I saw a really good - unprecedented good value - deal for Quality Street. Before Christmas! Unfortunately, after eating a few chocolates I think I know how the price could be so low (10.99 Canadian for the big tin). Some of the flavours... +
Yesterday I saw a really good - unprecedented good value - deal for Quality Street. Before Christmas! Unfortunately, after eating a few chocolates I think I know how the price could be so low (10.99 Canadian for the big tin).
Some of the flavours are still very good, but the fillings now have so much sugar they are almost inedible. It feels as if Nestle is substituting sugar for the more expensive ingredients so as to keep prices down. After a few forbiddingly sweet chocolates, I couldn't eat any more. I will take the rest of the tin to the office tomorrow. I'm now having a weird, unpleasant sugar rush from those chocolates. Never again.