If you've seen my reviews before, you know that I often share things regarding my cat. I've been told that cat milk is not good for cats but I beg to differ because he loves it. It doesn't give him diarrah or make him sick so I'm all for it. I also... +
If you've seen my reviews before, you know that I often share things regarding my cat. I've been told that cat milk is not good for cats but I beg to differ because he loves it. It doesn't give him diarrah or make him sick so I'm all for it. I also give him cows milk when i make myself a glass but i feel like it's safer giving him a milk designated for cats. Hes 20 pounds and supper healthy so I don't think the milk is doing anything wrong to him . Also the price I pay is supper cheep it's only a 1.25 at dollar store ! :) -
jaime beaucoup jouer monopoli avec ma famille car je croix que jouer des jeux de table en famille est meheure que jouer sur un telephone cellulaire mes le point negatife est que la game prend long tems a finir mes ses tres fun alors ses pas grave
jaime beaucoup jouer monopoli avec ma famille car je croix que jouer des jeux de table en famille est meheure que jouer sur un telephone cellulaire mes le point negatife est que la game prend long tems a finir mes ses tres fun alors ses pas grave -
What can I say other then AMAZING! This game was my life as a child and if I could find another one it would be better then having a cell phone my only down fall is that I always forgot to feed my poor little animal
What can I say other then AMAZING! This game was my life as a child and if I could find another one it would be better then having a cell phone my only down fall is that I always forgot to feed my poor little animal -
jaime beaucoup le kraft dinner parce que ses vraiment pas chere et sa prend si peux de tems a faire et sa un tres bon gout je recomende fortement se produit
jaime beaucoup le kraft dinner parce que ses vraiment pas chere et sa prend si peux de tems a faire et sa un tres bon gout je recomende fortement se produit -
Ardenes is my go to store because it's pretty affordable especially with the shoes. They only last a few months but it's to be expected for a low price. I love it because I always buy new shoes every few months anyways haha
Ardenes is my go to store because it's pretty affordable especially with the shoes. They only last a few months but it's to be expected for a low price. I love it because I always buy new shoes every few months anyways haha -
Ok so I just bought a white maxi dress and it is so comfortable it's unreal. The quality of the dress is awesome and it fits like a glove. It's tight in all the right places and has slack in other places.
Ok so I just bought a white maxi dress and it is so comfortable it's unreal. The quality of the dress is awesome and it fits like a glove. It's tight in all the right places and has slack in other places. -
These bites do not taste good at all. They taste watered down and gross. I though it would be practical and fast to make but I was supper disappointed by the bad taste
These bites do not taste good at all. They taste watered down and gross. I though it would be practical and fast to make but I was supper disappointed by the bad taste -
Sa marrive souvent de faire des mess. Je trouve sa vraiment efficase de utiliser un lysole whip a la place de sortir un scott towel pi du mr clean pour le remancer. Ses utile dans plusieurs situations et sa nettoy bien pour le prix
Sa marrive souvent de faire des mess. Je trouve sa vraiment efficase de utiliser un lysole whip a la place de sortir un scott towel pi du mr clean pour le remancer. Ses utile dans plusieurs situations et sa nettoy bien pour le prix -
ses un tres bon produit ses un produit que jutilise a tout les jour se produit est tres eficase sur les vitre et les miroire et a un odeure tres agreable
ses un tres bon produit ses un produit que jutilise a tout les jour se produit est tres eficase sur les vitre et les miroire et a un odeure tres agreable -
I know it's not a cat soap but what can I say, he's my fur baby! The soap is supper great for his fur, he always smells nice and fresh and he's softer then ever. It also helps because baby soap is made for no tears so I know it's safe for his eyes... +
I know it's not a cat soap but what can I say, he's my fur baby! The soap is supper great for his fur, he always smells nice and fresh and he's softer then ever. It also helps because baby soap is made for no tears so I know it's safe for his eyes. Also when I wash him it stays on my hands and they get so soft it's crazy! I don't know why they don't make a baby soap quality body wash for adults haha. -