Sandra Ribeiro

  Member Since:  May 9, 2010


on May 05, 2016  jmca  9,275 said:

popping in to say hello

on April 14, 2016  KrissiC  25,848 said:

Thanks for the friend add! I'm not currently very active on Instagram but hopefully will get more time to be soon!

on April 10, 2016  Luv2SaveMeryem  6,497 said:

Thank you and I'm following back. :)
  Thank You

on April 05, 2016  jmca  9,275 said:

friend request sent

on April 05, 2016  gypsigyrl  5,853 said:

Hi there - thanks for the friend request! Good to "meet" you!

on April 04, 2016  youssra.xo  4,680 said:

Lool thannnnk youu :)
  Thank You

on April 03, 2016  atasteofmadness  10,926 said:

Thank you! I followed you back on twitter and instagram! Have a great week!
  Thank You

on April 03, 2016  fly_eyez  9,561 said:

Hi Sandra
I'd have to look at the brushes for names but I got quite a few from winner's that are really good. And sephora but they are so expensive. I just ordered some online called Bamboo but I haven't tried them yet. They stink and I have to wash them first. The quality looks ok though. I have a huge collection of quo and I do really like them. I also have another set I ordered online - hasn't arrived yet though. Stila has a few great brushes. Also super expensive. I've ordered through groupon and Ali express. You should check out the brushes there. They usually have tons of reviews. And the products are cheap. Takes a long time to arrive though. I will have a look later at the brands I got from winner's. There's a few that are really good! Oh, and the original beauty blender is fantastic. You can get knockoffs bc the original is expensive. I have some knockoffs too - got them at sephora and winners and a set from quo and they are good but not the same quality as the original. They blend super well - if you damapen them with a bit of water or serum they just glide over your skin. Can't live without beauty blenders now!

on April 03, 2016  fly_eyez  9,561 said:

Hi Sandra I am so flippin dense I hit "remove" comment instead of "reply"!!! Sorry! I'm not sure when your birthday was (mine's today booo) so happy belated birthday. I'm one year behind you :)
Anyways, you certainly don't look 40 - looking fine girl and as I said the pic is gorgeous! You've got a great smile to go with you wonderful personality! Again, so sorry I removed your comment on my guest book by mistake! I meant to hit reply.

on April 02, 2016  Chikita10101  6,314 said:

Hi I added ya

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