I cannot live without this product now that it has been i. My life for e months i will never ever give it up
I cannot live without this product now that it has been i. My life for e months i will never ever give it up -
My husband used this once and will never fo back to anyrhing elae I just love it for him as well.
My husband used this once and will never fo back to anyrhing elae I just love it for him as well. -
We have 3 dogs 3 cats and we couldnt breath properly even with reqular cleaning and vacuming I bought this product and WOW what a difference and it doesn't have strong perfume smell
We have 3 dogs 3 cats and we couldnt breath properly even with reqular cleaning and vacuming I bought this product and WOW what a difference and it doesn't have strong perfume smell -
I nr only used on myself my son but used on my dogs tail when she had a cyst burst open i applied polysporin e times it was healed in a seek.
I nr only used on myself my son but used on my dogs tail when she had a cyst burst open i applied polysporin e times it was healed in a seek. -