I love coach bags but theres tons of replicas out there, so I get asked a lot if its real. It gets annoying real quick, but after spending over 160 for my bag you better believe I say its real!haha. Great company and tons of different products.
I love coach bags but theres tons of replicas out there, so I get asked a lot if its real. It gets annoying real quick, but after spending over 160 for my bag you better believe I say its real!haha. Great company and tons of different products. -
my favorite perfume on the planet! I bought this after one person mentioned it a year ago, and I'm glad I picked it up! Worth every penny, very sexy and feminine perfume. Lasting power is amazing, a little goes a long way, and will repurchase... +
my favorite perfume on the planet! I bought this after one person mentioned it a year ago, and I'm glad I picked it up! Worth every penny, very sexy and feminine perfume. Lasting power is amazing, a little goes a long way, and will repurchase for years to come!! -
Love this products, smells amazing, the consistancy is just right, the scrubbing properties are just enough and have and will continue to repurchased. Removes dirt and dead skin. I use it 2 times a week.
Love this products, smells amazing, the consistancy is just right, the scrubbing properties are just enough and have and will continue to repurchased. Removes dirt and dead skin. I use it 2 times a week. -
HIGHLY overrated. Clumps, smells awful and the rubber wand doesn't do anything. Waterproof or no waterproof, I couldn't tell the difference. Bought this based on reviews, and regret it.
HIGHLY overrated. Clumps, smells awful and the rubber wand doesn't do anything. Waterproof or no waterproof, I couldn't tell the difference. Bought this based on reviews, and regret it. -
I bought this hair spray trying to switch things up, and because I have already thick hair I wanted to try something different other than a hairspray thats stiff. Well I'd rather go back to the stiff hairsprays because this one did nothing! It... +
I bought this hair spray trying to switch things up, and because I have already thick hair I wanted to try something different other than a hairspray thats stiff. Well I'd rather go back to the stiff hairsprays because this one did nothing! It was like misting water on my hair, nothing held and I wouldn't repurchase again! -