I purchased this as I have a large kitchen with a tiled floor, I though it looked quick and easy to use. I found that it was much harder than a traditional string mop as you had to push it back and forth not wizz from side to side, so within minutes... +
I purchased this as I have a large kitchen with a tiled floor, I though it looked quick and easy to use. I found that it was much harder than a traditional string mop as you had to push it back and forth not wizz from side to side, so within minutes it made my already temperamental back ache. As a cleaner it was pretty useless, it only cleans the tile surface and doesn’t get to the grout, so you never really have a completely clean surface, and to make matters worse, the pad is very wet when you put in on, but after less than a quarter of my kitchen floor being semi cleaned the pad was almost dry, and it took me 4 of these pads to finish it, it did not look any better than when I use my normal flash liquid, bucket and mop which also smells much better. But the most annoying thing is the waste, the pads will be another thing that is just discarded and will not break down in landfill due to the compound that makes then up, they seem to have some sort of plastic lining I suppose to stop them tearing. I will not be using these again, My mop and bucket is so much quicker and I thoroughly disinfects and cleans my floor. -