
  Member Since:  November 22, 2011


on June 04, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Hey you, our BBQ ham was so good, thanks for the recipe.
Did you get pick to do the nail buffer review, or the always review?
Give me a shout back when you can and let me know.
  Thank You

on May 22, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

You don't really think we're going to get dirt from you know who do you.LOL Thanks for the info, but I'm just going to bring Mike with me to Canadian tire and grab a few big bags. I already have one here that we bought a few weeks ago. My blueberry plants already have berries and lots of flowers on them, so I better get them planted tomorrow. I didn't think I was going to get berries this year. Oh and remember I told you about that tree that showed up in my old raspberry bushes two years ago? Well it turn out to be a mulberry tree. It's just starting to get berries on it now, so I might be able to freeze them until I get enough to "TRY" and make jam. My last attempt at making jam didn't go so well as you know.LOL

on May 22, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I hear ya, I'm beginning to think being at home is more work!! I never did get my plants in because I need more dirt. The berry plants have to be planted in hills and there just isn't enough there to make it work. Mouse told me while just go get more today. I laughed at him because I can carry those heavy bags. So he said take Mike with you. I said that a joke. We're not seeing eye to eye lately at all. Any how next time its at my house buddy!! Love ya!!

on May 21, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I had a great time over the weekend buddy thanks for having us out. Maybe next time the pool will be warm enough to take a dip. I'll need to pick up a new suit before then though. I haven't bin in my bikini in three years and I'm not planning on wear it again no matter what mouse says.LOL All that sun really wore me out though, made me feel old.LOL Next time its at my house!! Love ya buddy!!!

on May 03, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

...Pantene shampoo/conditioner,olay face cream,febreze car clip,another conditioner,razor and scope.So if people were only getting two then thats strange!Its a good sample pack and there was no lags in there it ran very smoothly the tech team really made it work better.

on May 03, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

By the way...Do you and Takoda know that the P&G;samplers just went live?

on May 03, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

awwww Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!!!Hope your day is going well :)
  Thank You

on April 27, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Let me try and I'll let you know how I made out, smarty pants.LOL

on April 27, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

What's her name on here? I didn't even know she was on before, that
little bugger. You tell her her God mama is going to kick her little but
for not telling me she on here.LOL

Look up her name, or what ever name she's using, it should pop up and
then go to her page and send her a note. When she gets it she'll have to
except you as a friend, or not.LOL

And you spelled Takoda just find, its not that hard, come on now.LOL

on April 08, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

How did your buns work out? I make them all the time with my bread
maker. The only thing about it that I don't like is that they don't
last very long. I made a ham too, but now mouse is sick. Its not from
the ham because he's the only one sick, so hopefully it will pass soon. It
was the back deck he was fixing not the steps, but yes he finished it
and he remade our wooden bench we have out back. So he was a busy boy
all weekend. Have you happened to hear from Unc? When is he coming home?

I hope everyone had a great Easter, love you always girl friend!!!


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