I'm an avid reader and came across your review for "Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult." The book sounds really interesting. I like how you described what the book was about and what made it a good read. I love Jodi Picoult novels. If you enjoy reading, another great author is Dorothy Koomson.
Hahahahahaha!!!! Alive is good. Too funny!!!!! It sounds very busy in your home :) We've been having a good summer. I am currently beyond addicted to getting rid of everything in the house that doesn't serve us or has been sitting for a long time. I need to declutter :)
Hey you!!!! :) Thanks so much for the comment on my picture! :) How have you been? I'm not on here as often these days. Summer has been so busy!
Thank You
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!! I just saw your new profile pic. She's such a cutie!! You must be so overjoyed that she's finally here. Wishing you well and hoping you're feeling great! :)
Cute Picture
She's here!?!?! Oh ny goodness! Congratulations!!!!!! She is such a little sweetie. When was she born? What's her name? How are you feeling? :) thinking of you!!!
Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wishing you a fabulous day today!!
Italian bakery, oh my!! That sounds fabulous! I am definitely not the baker in our house. Partially because I'll eat too much of it while baking ha ha ha! I'm pathetic LOL!!!!
I am huge into Thrillers so my book suggestions likely won't interest you ;) I will be starting When Breath Becomes Air today though, book club read. Will let you know how it is :)