Lugg bags are highly recommended for those who have babies and those who love to shop. I"ve been using my Lugg bag for 2 years now and it still looks brand new. Out of 50 purses and handbags I own, my Lugg bag has been used the most!!
Lugg bags are highly recommended for those who have babies and those who love to shop. I"ve been using my Lugg bag for 2 years now and it still looks brand new. Out of 50 purses and handbags I own, my Lugg bag has been used the most!! -
I started taking Vitamin D 1.5 months ago and have never felt better. Studies show most Canadians are vitamin D deficient, which can lead to many health problems. I highly recommend taking 800 iu/day. when I asked my family doctor if I should be... +
I started taking Vitamin D 1.5 months ago and have never felt better. Studies show most Canadians are vitamin D deficient, which can lead to many health problems. I highly recommend taking 800 iu/day. when I asked my family doctor if I should be taking this vitamin he said he does himself without even getting his vitamin D levels tested...that everyone in Canada should just assume they are vitamin D deficient. -