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steffi g

  Member Since:  July 23, 2010


on April 05, 2016  caitlingh  730 said:


We are contacting you because we have not received any of your reviews for the Simple Skincare program yet. Please complete these reviews ASAP in order to remain in good standing with the Product Review Club. Be sure to review each item individually on their respective product page.




If you think you have already reviewed these products and are receiving this reminder in error, please get in touch right away so that we can confirm if the reviews have been correctly linked to your user account.

Thanks! And we hope to read your review soon :)


on November 25, 2015  mamaluv  240 said:

Hi there! We're trying to get in touch with you regarding your reviews for Scotch Essentials. Please be sure to check your email (and spam folder) for our note. We have many new Product Review Club offers in the works and completing your reviews will ensure your eligibility. Thanks!

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