I have 3 kids in the house, that were very excited when these came out, as they were getting bored of the regular rice krispes, Out of the 3 kids, 2 of them thought they were great, and 1 really didn't like them. I can't try them cause i have an... +
I have 3 kids in the house, that were very excited when these came out, as they were getting bored of the regular rice krispes, Out of the 3 kids, 2 of them thought they were great, and 1 really didn't like them. I can't try them cause i have an allergy to strawberries. But I will say this, the price is very good, especially if you can find a coupon to match up with it. They make a great snack for school, or if your on the go but don't want the kids to eat to much for dinner, but they need something to tide them over. I would rate this as a nice improvement to the rice krispes line, and will continue to purchace them for the kids.
Stephanie Wright