Shopping and splurging and sharing unsolicited opinions about a wide range of random life stuff since the 80's. :)
These days, I'm very interested in low-FODMAP, gluten and lactose-free developments with food, snacks, beverages and even beauty supplies. I love the brands that have it just right with a hint of beauty or cleanliness in their concoctions. Examples of beautifully scented items I love are Dove hair care products, Cake Beauty lotions, and even Frank Organic Waste lightly scented bags all get a big thumbs up from my nose.
I typically go for "top shelf" brands... but my disability budget steers me towards "just alike's" enough that it's easy to try other more affordable brands. Few brands though, have no replacements. You know, like Q-Tips. ;)
My almost five-year old cat, Coal, is also purrroud to be a product tester! He's tried different foods, toys, brushes, and even litter! He loves having his picture taken and would be happy to model kitty cat clothes or check out anything else in the catacular world. He says he's ready right meow! :)
If you haven't already noticed, I also love taking pictures and telling a story with my photos. Please feel welcome to check out and comment on my Gallery! It's so nice getting feedback. :)
I also write sometimes (poetry, mostly).
Thanks for your kind words Susan! It's a lot of fun being in this club and sharing reviews! I had no idea we had our own guestbooks. Welcome!
Great Taste