While they are pretty expensive - I say they are worth the funds (plus there's always coupons to be found and even an Ensure Loyalty Club!). Whatever the variety, there is loads of healthy stuff in it and will help with many different things. It... +
While they are pretty expensive - I say they are worth the funds (plus there's always coupons to be found and even an Ensure Loyalty Club!). Whatever the variety, there is loads of healthy stuff in it and will help with many different things. It helped me gain weight back after a serious medical issue. It's filling, so really great to have one at lunch while on the go.
My favorite is the High Protein variety in the Chocolate flavour. Though, I'd take chocolate in any variety of Ensure. I also like the vanilla. Ensure is a thick drink - and it must be shaken really well before drinking and the bottle should be drank fairly quickly. I find it tasty straight from the fridge and really cold. Another thing I discovered is the chocolate flavour is also really tasty in coffee!
I'll for sure buy Ensure again in the future (when I find it on a good sale). Not just as a medicinal drink, but also to make sure I'm getting proper vitamins and stuff in my diet since I can't afford to buy even a quarter of the groceries needed to feed off the Canada's Food Guide.
I like that this mix has a bunch of vitamins and healthy stuff all tossed into one little packet. It has double the dose of Vitamin C than one of my chewable tablets offer. Be sure to read the directions and drink Emergen-C with food and a couple... +
I like that this mix has a bunch of vitamins and healthy stuff all tossed into one little packet. It has double the dose of Vitamin C than one of my chewable tablets offer. Be sure to read the directions and drink Emergen-C with food and a couple hours before or after taking other meds. If you don't, you'll get wicked heartburn - so, follow the directions. It also stresses to take just 1 packet a day. It'd be nice if the directions were written a bit larger, but they need the room on the package for all the medicinal ingredients (which, in itself is impressive for a little 9-gram pouch).
The taste of this orange flavour is pretty awful. It reminds me of what stale or rotten orange juice must taste like - so believe me, it's not easy to drink this stuff with just water. Maybe it'd be better in juice or flavoured water. When drinking it, it's almost like drinking a flat can of pop that was left out too long.
All I do is take a drink, take a bite of sandwich, take a drink, take a bite - and so on.
Last year, when my support worker suggested coloring to help with my anxiety and depression, I honestly thought she was joking. She sent me home with a box of crayons and a kids coloring book. Still, I thought she was joking. A few sessions later... +
Last year, when my support worker suggested coloring to help with my anxiety and depression, I honestly thought she was joking. She sent me home with a box of crayons and a kids coloring book. Still, I thought she was joking. A few sessions later, she asked how the coloring was going - I hadn't begun. Then, she told me of these adult coloring books with more challenging color area- and I was sold.
The adult coloring books even come in a beginner form - which is the first that I bought. Some of the pages were partially colored, just to give me a feel of how to keep it going. It really did work! After a few weeks with the encouragement of the beginner book and my finding it ok to "mix it up", I got another Adult Coloring book. The second is a more complex book, with tattoos and mandalas to color (awesome combo, eh?!)
Now, I have a few adult coloring books and a nice new set of fine-tip markers, colored pencils - and yes, still the box of crayons.
This is such a soothing past-time. I totally suggest it for all ages and maturity levels ;)
I love the Instagram App on my Android. All you do is take a picture with your phone (or upload an existing picture already on your phone) and if you want, enter a title, description, little message or even tag people/places/products and that's it!... +
I love the Instagram App on my Android. All you do is take a picture with your phone (or upload an existing picture already on your phone) and if you want, enter a title, description, little message or even tag people/places/products and that's it! There is so much beautiful photography to be found, from pros with their manual cameras to amateurs on our cell phones.
My favorite part about Instagram - everyone is so positive! It's just this great big happy place with people being so supportive and friendly of and to the pictures others post. It's really something else to see how the artistic community spirit reverberates throughout the App.
It is really fun and so easy to share pictures. The best part was how I am able to edit the picture to make it brighter or show different colors, switch it to black and white or to even add little designs and stuff right onto the picture. All that, plus it's free! There's even a private message function so you can chat with your Instagram connections - and it supports all the #hashtags and @products/people just like all the other major social media platforms.
I think Facebook has come quite a far way in the last decade. While many changes have and will continue to be made, the concept has always remained aligned with the same simple mission. For old friends and new to connect, network and build lasting... +
I think Facebook has come quite a far way in the last decade. While many changes have and will continue to be made, the concept has always remained aligned with the same simple mission. For old friends and new to connect, network and build lasting relationships with the people in or near their lives.
There's always going to be a few things that bug me - but, those things usually change to my liking eventually. Right now, the thing I really don't like is the fact that people can see when the last time I signed on was - it's just not something I want every person on my Friends list to know all the time. You know, the "randoms". Why should it matter to them if the last time I signed on was five minutes or even five days ago?
Anyhow, the platform itself has always tried to be a step ahead of the times, which isn't easy in this day and age.
The engineers seem to always be paying attention to what the people want - and the changes that are made tend to benefit more than they hinder. The most recent change is by far my favorite: "Reactions". We can now (finally) Like, Love, Laugh, Express Awe, Show Grief and even Anger.
While there are months upon end that I can't stand to scroll the "Home" feed, I still sign on to "check my Facebook".
The private message ability, free photo storage/sharing and a quick glance at the Trending report can all be done in the same moment all right there on the same Home Feed page. Doesn't get more convenient than that. Facebook is in it for the long haul. It's never too late to sign up - just remember to keep your privacy settings high and your rants low. Stick to sharing food pictures and the occasional grumpy cat and you'll be just fine. ;)
The Maroon Meow matte is a dark plum sort of shade. Because it's a matte (a "dry" lipstick), I first put a coat of my clear lip balm. Then, I filled my lips with the Maroon Meow for the full effect. I was surprised that such a bold color really... +
The Maroon Meow matte is a dark plum sort of shade. Because it's a matte (a "dry" lipstick), I first put a coat of my clear lip balm. Then, I filled my lips with the Maroon Meow for the full effect. I was surprised that such a bold color really looked awesome on my usually "naked" lips! The color stayed just as beautiful thru a full pot of coffee and didn’t need to be touched up once. I’m really impressed and happy with this shade. -
You get what you pay for... This OS was given away for free by Microsoft. Generous offer, sure, but not even worth its free pricetag. Once installed, it got me so excited, the beauty, ease and swift flow of the initial setup screens (before I even... +
You get what you pay for... This OS was given away for free by Microsoft. Generous offer, sure, but not even worth its free pricetag.
Once installed, it got me so excited, the beauty, ease and swift flow of the initial setup screens (before I even landed on the desktop for the first time). I thought it was going to be a great, user-friendly experience.
Then, I got to the desktop, the bubble burst. The computer froze. Patiently waiting ten minutes for it to "shit or get off the pot" as one would say. Well, stayed frozen so I held the power button til the laptop shut off, then I waited a full minute and pushed the power button again to turn the laptop back on.
Went into Safe Mode, while following troubleshooting steps online using my cell phone, I went through more than ten sites and forums trying EVERYTHING.
Clean Boot, Clean Install, Recovery, Uninstall Apps, Add a second Administrator, Add Local Account, Disabled Background Programs, Installed Updates, Device Management, Power Options, Graphics Drivers, Disk Management, Command Prompts, calling it names, cursing its makers - nothing works!
Still, everytime I rebooted into normal mode - the screen freezes within 90 seconds.
Microsoft should not have released this OS. They clearly didn't do any quality assurance tests and what's worse- they've known about this issue for more than a year! Yet, they still forced it upon us and is making it harder to run any other OS but Win10!
I don't recommend this "up"grade. Stay with whatever you have now. If it's Windows 10, my thoughts are with you.
I love how tiny these softgels are - so easy to swallow! The bottle says to take just one a day so I've been doing that for about a month now. The price is great, less than ten bucks for half a years worth in one bottle! I will for sure get more... +
I love how tiny these softgels are - so easy to swallow! The bottle says to take just one a day so I've been doing that for about a month now. The price is great, less than ten bucks for half a years worth in one bottle! I will for sure get more when this bottle runs out and totally recommend to everyone - especially people who usually have troubles swallowing other vitamins. -
This past year and a bit I've been only buying Pharmasave 2-ply tissue. They're made just as well as all top-quality brands- nice and soft and they stay intact thru even the harshest sneeze. Pharmasave tissue is also half the price of Kleenex (which... +
This past year and a bit I've been only buying Pharmasave 2-ply tissue. They're made just as well as all top-quality brands- nice and soft and they stay intact thru even the harshest sneeze. Pharmasave tissue is also half the price of Kleenex (which I used for decades before making the switch). They have all these cute designs for their boxes too. I love the ode to all things coffee best, but there is also a happy yellow sunflowers design, dots and stripes and a few more. -
The package says "Instant" and really means it! The second I stuck the strip on my nose, I was able to breathe clearer right away. I really like that each strip comes in a little bandaid-like liner so that each strip stays totally clean until it's... +
The package says "Instant" and really means it! The second I stuck the strip on my nose, I was able to breathe clearer right away. I really like that each strip comes in a little bandaid-like liner so that each strip stays totally clean until it's time to use. The quick instructions tell you how to put it on right, how to take it off and that it shouldn't be worn longer than 12 hours. They work out to be about a buck a piece - totally worth it to be able to breathe better! I'm very happy with these and will definitely get more. -