A compassionate and dedicated teacher, caring mother, good listener, who believes that learning is a lifelong process. I love to try/test different products and write reviews! I have strong opinions about things I feel are important, and posses the quality to influence others with my words.
Cool. Do you remember the name of the serum? Im currently writing a blog post about 180Cosmetics Pure Swiss serum. Ya, that site is fun and frustrating at the same time. As I mentioned before there will be approvals and then companies will just disappear/ignore you :/ I also learned to deny invites as lots of items/products just wouldnt fit in my blog/interests :) But it's sure fun to play around with it :) Let me check the review. I've been busy lately, havent had much time for my social media :) Btw, have you seen my blog? Check it out and follow if you want :) http://lavidaloca-griech.blogspot.ca/
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Okay thanks Swati for following me on Instagram. I got the email of your Blog post for #VichyWorksProducts before and after very good job and I really could see the dlfference. Thanks for sharing it with me and I also twitted your link.
Thank You
Thanks Swati for following my blog it is showing now. I also follow you on Instagram can you please follow me back, Great reviews on #VichyProducts for #ChickAdvisor. I also liked all your Instagram pictures. Your daughter is so adorable. Are you on Tubler ? If you are let me know your name on there so we ca follow each other, Hope your having a Great Day !!!
Thank You
Thanks Swati for following mine. You are also a good and supportive ChickAdvisor friend. Thanks for all the nice compliments. You made my day.
Thank You
I really like you Blog you did such a well thought out and very informative job. It is perfect looking forward to reading more from you. Have a great evening.
Good Writer
Hi Swati I just tried to check out your new blog but when I did a search for it even on your profile page on here it does not take me to your blog. Have you not wrote it yet ? Maybe I misunderstood your post in ChickAdvisor Community Post. Let me know I would love to see your blog.
Nice to meet you Swati! :) I'm glad you will take me up on that offer sometime. Looking forward to reading your reviews and your posts in the forum. You seem like a very friendly person and from the looks of your profile picture a great mom as well. I'm always happy to make new friends on this site. It's an awesome place to do reviews on products you love and don't love so much and a fun way to meet new people via the computer ;)