
  Member Since:  May 18, 2010


on May 29, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

So glad to hear that the dog is on the mend. These pets of ours become part of the family and we hate to see them hurting. Sound's like he is going to be OK. Happy to hear hubby is coming home, specially with the weather you have been having. Enjoy his company, will talk to you when you get back online. Take care!

Hope your province picks up it's warning system. After our Tornado way back in '89 our system has really improved. So much that I think they just like to scare us with these warnings, but at least it let's us get prepared just in case.

on May 28, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

I'll have to see if I can find the pictures on Facebook. Don't you just hate it when they tell you its an F1 etc then a little later tell you that it wasn't really a tornado after all.

on May 28, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Thanks for the quick note. That Tornado being close must have been darn scary. Do you have a basement or a cellar that you can shelter in? And you were probably home by yourself at the time to make it even more frightening. Hope your dog will be okay. Our last dog had gotten bone cancer and when the pain meds weren't enough the Vet had advised me to rub Tippy's forehead, just above and between her eyes. He said this helps relieve the pain. He used a lot of big words but that was basically what he meant. It did work though. You do lead an interesting life, hope things start getting better. Hang in there. I am a good listener (in this case reader) if you need a sounding board, remember I am here for you if needed..

on May 21, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

So sorry to hear all your sad news. Give you friend that lost her Mom and extra hug or two, she will need them. My own Mom is 89 and has good days and bad days. IT is such a worry as she lives on her own, won't move in with me or even to a seniors complex. The stress level can get pretty high but I want her around as long as possible.

Your poor dog. hope all will be okay there. Our pets are like members of our family and its like one of our children has been hurt. My heart goes out to you. Keep me posted. I will be thinking of you.

on May 20, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Hope you had a good weekend. Just wanted to let you know that yesterday I received notification that I have my Rock Star Badge under I believe it is the shopping category, food and drink. I was thrilled, this must mean I am doing something right. Take care, thinking of you, hoping you're doing OK.
  Good Writer

on May 16, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Sorry it took so long to reply. Was a busy day for me as I had to run around to pick up the last ingredients for the massive Rainbow salad I am making for the street party (I think they call them that so we don't have to have a license I am not sure). This salad has to sit for a minimum 18 hours so I wanted to get it out of the way, its a great one. As long as it is refrigerated it will keep for at least a week. I still have potato salad and coleslaw to do but will do them up Sunday morning. (I do a canning kettle of each) Last week I didn't help out and they ran out of food by 8:00 PM, we only start at 7:00 PM. I felt so bad, I hate to see anyone go hungry. Smile-Edmonton only started last November and word has gotten out that the food is really good (we feed them better than I eat myself).

Hope you have a great, pain free weekend. Our weather is so iffy right now, you never know what to expect. But I did get some planters out of the garage so my Begonias could start to wake up fully. Geraniums are all out to, I have some sitting in water to sprout. The yard is really beginning to green up and I swear that for every lily I planted another 10 have sprouted up. That's good, it saves me all that bending and the expense of buying a bunch of annuals.

Well must go grab something to eat, enjoy your weekend. Hope the weather is nice for you there. Oh and before I forget I went to the Brand site you mentioned, went to sign up, found I had registered back in 2009 but it had a different name it wasn't the one you gave me. They must have amalgamated with the one I signed up for that was back in 2008 or 2009 or that's when I did my last review. Thanks for telling me about it.
  Great Advice

on May 15, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

I found the website, and I agree, we should be very careful how we phrase our reviews. Hopefully I haven't made any nasty reviews. I try to (when dealing with a complaint to a company) be nice, itemize the problem, say what exactly was wrong. If handled and written right some companies will try to correct the problem and do a new and improved version of the product. Please, if you see any of mine that are nasty, let me know. I hate being nasty, at any time. I do like to stand up for myself and any one else who has been wronged and hope I do it in a nice respectful manner. Must run, you take care and I truly wish you a really good day tomorrow. A pain free and happy one.

on May 15, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Thanks for the heads up! I don't think we should trash a product but I feel that we have to be honest and if it isn't to our liking we should says so and state the reason why we don't like that product. I haven't look up the link yet, first I wanted to touch base with you and say Hi. I've been trying to read a lot of the reviews from the other chicks to see what products are being reviewed and what everyone is saying about the various products. I only review stuff I have already tried out, I feel its cheating if we just write a review without even trying the product and I think that's what a lot of the girl's are doing. They write about 10 word's about the product, saying things like I love the product, no description or info on the product at all. I have found that if the review is a lengthy one and it gives me a lot of information on that product I am more likely to go out make a purchase and try it for myself.

I have read some of your stuff and I like it, you give enough info to intrigue me, makes me want to see for myself what the product does or is. No wonder one of your reviews was used by the company you did the review on. Congratulations.

Hate to hear that you are in so much pain! Wish there was something that could be done for you. It makes me angry to hear that there is nothing they can do, in this day and age of medical miracles, I find that comment hard to take. No one should have to suffer constant pain like you seem to be doing. have you checked into alternative medicine? I don't know where you live but here in Edmonton, AB I have talked to a lot of people who have gone to Homeopathics etc and seem to be getting some help. What about topical pain relievers? When my husband was alive he tried quite a few, found that most would work for a few weeks or months and then he'd have to use a different on for a bit, then after a few weeks change back to the original one. Don't know how this worked but he did get a fair amount of relief. Over the counter Voltaran was the one that he seemed to use the most and get the best results with. It was a nice one cause it didn't smell to the high heavens and the skin absorbed it almost immediately. No greasy stuff all over your clothing. He rubbed my back and hips with it and I found the pain disappeared almost immediately. We used to have a tube of something brought up from the states, it was called Arthrotec and it worked like magic. But then the cousin who drove truck down there quit driving so we couldn't get it any more. Apparently you could get it at the US Walmart's and it wasn't very expensive.

Just some ideas, don't want to get pushy but you are too nice a lady to have to suffer like this. Well I'm off to check out that link. Thank you once again for thinking of me and forwarding it. I do appreciate it. Take care and I'll probably sent you a note tomorrow.

on May 14, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Even the weather doesn't cooperate when you have physical problems. I find I have way less aches and pains when the sun is shining and the weather is warm. You are right when you say it doesn't pay to get old. I am 71 and let me tell you there are times my body just won't do what I want it to do. When I was young I kept hearing about the golden lining, and couldn't wait to get old enough to retire. Well they forgot to tell me the golden lining was only in the pockets of the pharmacutical companies. But as my mother says; living is better than the other alternative, even if it does hurt. Do you have family that can give you a hand? Wish we lived closer and then I could help you with your gardening or something. Hang in there, hopefully things will all work out. Please stay in touch.
  Good Writer

on May 13, 2014  Petersgirl  8,414 said:

Once again, a big thank you for your quick response. So sorry to hear about your disc problem, you are right, in this day and age there should be something that they could do for you. I take magnesium for my arthritis and omega 3 which really works for my joint problems. Wonder if they would help with your problem. Just a thought, you could check it out. Take care, and I hope things get better for you, you are one gutsy lady.
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