
  Member Since:  May 18, 2010


on November 27, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

No we got it at Temperament's I'm not even sure how long ago its bin
now. Takoda took it over as soon as he was big enough to get up there,
the bugger.LOL

on November 26, 2011  Bren  26,031 said:

Love the tongue sticking out lol..BTW I had the same exact couch before moving did you get it at sears?lol...I miss that couch it was very comfortable but was quite scuffed from my cats so I left it behind

on November 26, 2011  Aliza  14,011 said:

Awww so cute!!

on July 14, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Thanks everyone, he is my big baby and he was so happy he had that bath
after getting full of raspberry pickers. He had bin running around
rubbing on every thing constantly for two days before he had the bath,
trying to get the pickers off of himself. You can see by the pic how
tired out he was. I thought for sure by the time I got my camera he'd
wake up, but he stayed like that for a good two hours.

on July 14, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

aw, what a big ole baby!

on July 14, 2011  TammyK  1,073 said:

Omg I didn't even notice the little tongue the first time I looked. He's just chillin' and staying cool isnt he.

on July 14, 2011  GlamGal  2,378 said:

So adorable!

on July 14, 2011  jskim07  50 said:

Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's Takoda? he looks so grown up since that first picture!! (look at his adorable tongue hanging!)

on July 14, 2011  TammyK  1,073 said:

Lol awwww what a cutie! He seems so content with himself after that bath haha.

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