I recently bought a newly constructed home a year ago. I live in walking distance from the beach and enjoy snorkling. I have two kids named donte and nina and they also enjoy going to the beach with daddy and i to build sandcastles. We enjoy making up games with the children because it helps their focus and putting something together yourself makes it even funner and hands on. My husband and i also enjoy going to the gym working out every morning. We enjoy staying in shape so we can be around for our kids and watch them grow up. We currently have two dogs and two cats and they are all rescues which makes them the most appreciative family pets. I could not be more thankful for what god has gifted me with!
Hi,nice to meet you.need I'm a newbie...I just received my first item today.I got the zoomer playful pup,it's so cool.thank you for adding me as a friend.I appreciate it .marie
It took me a while to get the hang of things & still need help sometimes. You can ask me anything you want. Guestbook is a way to communicate with one another.
Hi, I'm Apryl. I put a friend request. Like your reviews, well written. Are you on Instagram? I am @apryl666666 I would love a follow for a follow. Make sure you let me know it's you tannersbabe19 if you're under a different name. Cool.
Thank You