I got this scrub in a value pack at christmas it came with a large bottle and a travel size bottle i never used it before then and i was hooked right away. My skin is sooo soft after using it and i notice i have less little bumps on my skin. (I dont... +
I got this scrub in a value pack at christmas it came with a large bottle and a travel size bottle i never used it before then and i was hooked right away. My skin is sooo soft after using it and i notice i have less little bumps on my skin. (I dont suffer from acne much just the odd one here or there) my bf never really used product for his skin and he suffers more frequently from acne break outs. He started using this in the shower and he is hooked now too! He says hes never felt his skin this soft before and im deffinetly noticing a difference! We love it and it has become a regularly shopped for item for us! -