
  Member Since:  September 24, 2016


on November 21, 2016  MissNinja  21,296 said:

Hey Tracey..Ha Ha Thanks for the comment.. It is funny though.. the smell is really strong, or that girl at work puts way too much in her laundry LOL :)

I am glad to see you high up there on the Top 10. We seem to have a little crew of girls that stick together. I have been really busy with life, and haven't had much time for reviews.. Plus, I am trying to think of some items that I really want to do a review on.. So , I will be around. have a great day.


on November 21, 2016  xoliana  12,704 said:

You're not naive! I tend to analyze films when I watch them. Everybody sees things from a different point of view :)

on November 18, 2016  jayvelyn926  12,600 said:

Hey Tracy! I hope you are doing well! Just though I'd pop by and say Hi! have a great weekend my dear!

on November 16, 2016  prettyrainbow  21,020 said:

Thank you so much for your kind comment Tracy! It's nice to know that someone out there appreciates the advice I offer and that my reviews have been helpful to you. I try my best to help whomever I can, even if it's in the form of a brief comment in the forum. You never know who you might help or uplift by doing that. I'm glad it has affected you in such a positive way. That really makes me smile! I think you've also been a great addition to the forum and a source of inspiration to many out there who are struggling. Keep on being amazing and you'll see amazing things come your way! Have a wonderful evening!!

on November 15, 2016  MissNinja  21,296 said:

Hey Tracy, thanks for the post in my guestbook. You should try to be a TOP 10 never give up !! Thanks also for the kind words about my reviews, I am glad you read them and they are useful to you and hopefully others. I was happy to see you on the Top 10 for sure. I think some people give up if they don't win one month.. but its just fun and yes, it is always good to try to win. I did win once for the $10 for Chapters, and I want to get a few more hopefully this month too so I can add them together for a book I really want.

Take care. enjoy your day !! Stay Positive !!
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on November 15, 2016  xoliana  12,704 said:

Thank you! Yes, I did make them, and I do sell them. I'm in the process of making a new website right now. Of course you can add me as a friend :)
  Thank You

on November 15, 2016  TiaQ  13,458 said:

thanks Tracy! lol I guess i have a lot to say. I have a 17 month old daughter so a lot of products are fresh in my mind from her baby stage! I really do enjoy this site. I have actually found out a lot of information on products that I didnt know before! It is very good to hear from other people on the products

on November 10, 2016  KittyKat101  8,458 said:

Hi Tracy I got your e mail and I will e mail you back on the weekend. Nice to see you on the November top chick's list, hope you make it. I wish I had more time to spend on Chick Advisor, but I am looking after my mother and I spend a lot of time with her. Talk to you soon Gail

on November 09, 2016  KittyKat101  8,458 said:

Hi Tracy I did not know my profile was private, thanks for that info., I have changed it now. Thanks for getting back to me. I have told people on here that I cannot post pictures they tried to help but I just could not get it. I also have no idea how to do Facebook. It is hard to get things when you have no one to help you. Due to the fact I have asbergers i have no close friends to help me, and I get frustrated. I am glad I found this site as I can get people to talk to. If you would like to chat my email is [email protected] Bye for now Gail

on November 08, 2016  KittyKat101  8,458 said:

Hi Tracy I really liked your post on confused and upset I understand how you feel, I also have mental health issues and a worker who helps me. I find working on a computer very hard, l do not know how to post a picture, or Facebook etc. I love reading the community part it helps me with some issues. I do not know if you know what as berger is but that is what I have. I find it hard to talk to people about these things, but I think you can understand. Thanks Gail I think my user name is KittyKat

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