Wasn't a fan of these diapers not only did I find they leaked but my little guy seemed to have little marks all over his bum from the mesh inside the diaper
Wasn't a fan of these diapers not only did I find they leaked but my little guy seemed to have little marks all over his bum from the mesh inside the diaper -
I love burts bees comes in some amazing scents that don't leave me with a headache. It's feels great on the lips and even have some that are tinted so no need for lipstick.
I love burts bees comes in some amazing scents that don't leave me with a headache. It's feels great on the lips and even have some that are tinted so no need for lipstick. -
I love st.ives it's smells great, amazing exfoliating face scrub. Leaves my face feeling awesome. It's a great price. I don't break out after using this face wash.
I love st.ives it's smells great, amazing exfoliating face scrub. Leaves my face feeling awesome. It's a great price. I don't break out after using this face wash. -
I love scentsy bars so many choices can find the right one for you. Love the bring back my bars always find a scent I love new fav right now is lime sublime and Route 66
I love scentsy bars so many choices can find the right one for you. Love the bring back my bars always find a scent I love new fav right now is lime sublime and Route 66 -
I love snack size makes it much easy to not over do the sweets and have a great balance. They taste great super easy to pack don't take up lots of room.
I love snack size makes it much easy to not over do the sweets and have a great balance. They taste great super easy to pack don't take up lots of room. -
I love this classic bar, even the boy so classics like peanut butter or caramel ones. Great as a fast snack it's super easy to share with the kids doesn't make a mess to share
I love this classic bar, even the boy so classics like peanut butter or caramel ones. Great as a fast snack it's super easy to share with the kids doesn't make a mess to share -
I love this bar it's the perfect balance between sweet and salty. Had a great crunch easy to take on the go. Makes a perfect snack when you get stuck in car or out and don't want fast food.
I love this bar it's the perfect balance between sweet and salty. Had a great crunch easy to take on the go. Makes a perfect snack when you get stuck in car or out and don't want fast food. -
Did take me 4 different stores to find a store that had one. Has a great smell. Works well moisture well. Doesn't have a film once one. Used for 3 days notice a difference
Did take me 4 different stores to find a store that had one. Has a great smell. Works well moisture well. Doesn't have a film once one. Used for 3 days notice a difference -