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  Member Since:  September 14, 2009
AMomBlogger.com may be a new blog, but the mom blogger behind it is not. Join Jennifer here to see the latest reviews, contests, everyday mom blog posts and more. It’s bound to be a fun time!

Being a mom in today’s society isn’t easy. We want the best for our children. So we search the internet for various methods to save money, time & patience. I’m here to help you do precisely that. With a whole new name, a whole new personal domain the possibilities of what will become of AMomBlogger.com are endless! So who am I? A Mommy. A writer. A consumer. I’m also a Girl Scout Co-Leader, a dance class mom, and a PTA mom. I know tons of Mommy’s much like you. I’m also a ModernMom.com Blogger; SheBlogs.org Advisory Panelist; A Feld Family Activator; an amateur photographer; a professional website & logo designer. A missing persons advocate, children’s advocate, military and proud supporter. As you can see I network in various Mom-type organizations and I love each position that I play a role in. Through my own experiences I’ll share numerous pieces of information with you that I discover. Looking forward in getting to know you too!

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Sensodyne Iso-Active Whitening Toothpaste My overall rating

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