I am a mother of two adult boys, and recent widow. I went back to school to get my certificate to care for the terminally ill.. I am back to work after 2 years of caring for my husband. I enjoy reading, and spend time on the computer blogging. I love trying new products, and being the first to discover a great new product...you could say I love being "in the know"!
Hi wendyroy. December is a hard time for me personally. However this past December I worked way to much. covered shift and shift. Retail is a crazy business. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years. All the best in 2017. I have missed being on here thats for sure. xx
Thank You
thank you. I feel the very same. I have a question. What do the badges I see mean. I'm referring to all the ones I've never seen. I'm not understanding what challenge refers to. Whatever it is you are great at it.
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thank you for all your comments. I lost my train of thought. Sorry. WOW!!! 455 reviews. that's AMAZING! I've sent you a friends request. I'm going to go read some.
Good Writer
That was such a beautiful analogy you wrote on the 'I am broken' community post. It really struck a cord with me...so thank you for your deep words that you shared with all of us. "you are not broken. Like an oak tree, who is strong, you're bending, but you're strong enough to bend, not break." - wendyroy
Great Advice
Hi Wendy I answered a post you wrote in the Chickadvisor Community. So I thought I would send you a friend request. Hope you accept and Enjoy your surprise and your weekend. Christine.
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