As with the other GHD products which lack the ‘Ultra-Zone Technology’ I find these slightly worse off for it. Again, it kind of depends on what you’re looking for though. These are a less extreme straighten and will require maybe two strokes... +
As with the other GHD products which lack the ‘Ultra-Zone Technology’ I find these slightly worse off for it. Again, it kind of depends on what you’re looking for though. These are a less extreme straighten and will require maybe two strokes for perfect flatness. With one swipe, you’ll get a natural straight look, similar to someone who has straight hair without the use of a flat iron.
Like the other GHD products they are also good quality, with great safety features and guarantees on a long life, as well as being talked up by celebrities and stylists alike. It somewhat comes down to personal preference and I still think that it’s worth the extra $50 to get the Platinum Plus (my personal favourite out of all the straighteners I tried), but this does a great straighten too, especially when compared to cheap brands or even mid-range ones.
I personally prefer a different design, I find the shiny parts make it look cheaper, but I’ve always been a matte fan. I do like the gold plates a lot and these glide comfortably like GHD always does. These plates are more of a chunky thickness, meaning you can do more hair in one go, so a good choice for those with really thick hair, or just a lot of hair.
I have a tendency to pinch my finger in the hinge at the end of this, so I do prefer the wishbone design offered by platinum plus, as well as the press button. This one has a slide button that I think looks cheap and flimsy, especially given the luxury price tag and reputation of the brand.
Overall, it’s another great straightener from GHD for those who want a natural straighten on their thick hair, but if you have an extra $50, I still fully recommend the GHD Platinum Plus line over this!
Hemorrhoids is something that’s really embarrassing to talk about. When you’ve never had them, you live in the sun and say thanks like ‘lol, who even gets hemorrhoids?’ Then you get older, wiser and your hubris catches up with you. You feel... +
Hemorrhoids is something that’s really embarrassing to talk about. When you’ve never had them, you live in the sun and say thanks like ‘lol, who even gets hemorrhoids?’ Then you get older, wiser and your hubris catches up with you. You feel like the most disgusting human on earth and it’s not like you can ask your friends what products are good for this. So you suffer, wishing younger you had been less of a butthead.
I really wish it was an easier topic to discuss, because I’d like to recommend these Hemovel tablets to everyone I know. I cannot overstate this enough (especially without the gory details), but these are insanely helpful.
TMI coming up if you want to skip this paragraph. So I’ve had trouble with hemorrhoids before, upping my fibre stopped them from recurring. However, my butt has never felt the same. I always feel like it becomes troublesome and bleeds at even the slightest sign of toilet trouble. Frankly, it didn’t feel as flat or comfortable as it used to. But I didn’t actively HAVE hemorrhoids, so I didn’t expect Hemovel to do anything. Oh how wrong I was.
I followed the instructions exactly (3 a day for the first four days, then 2 a day for three days after). Handily, they include a little tick chart, but I just used my pill box and took them alongside my usual pills and vitamins.
More TMI here. By day 2 my butt felt like it was getting back to normal. I hadn’t thought it was still suffering the effects (since as I say, I was actively having hemorrhoids), but it must have been swollen because it felt flattish and almost back to how it felt before my terrible experience with a constant upset stomach. I didn’t want to jinx it. So I waited and I followed the regimen. Well, I’m now on day 6 and I can confirm, these things work like crazy.
Despite a day where I had some stomach trouble, my butt is totally back to normal, like it was when I was younger and even the parts that were gruesome and not where they belonged, have gone back to where they were. How is this even possible? I have no freaking idea, but I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am.
So suffice to say it worked and I want to shout Hemovel’s praises from the rooftops, or at least share it here. Yes, the pills are a little on the larger side, but they can be snapped in two, so even I had no trouble swallowing them.
The only real downside I can think of is that this is a single treatment. So you must use it all and once done, you must buy more if you need. As opposed to a cream that you can apply every time you have trouble.
However, the results were shockingly good and I would not hesitate to buy this again in the future.
I really like these because I find Gravol/ginger very effective for my upset stomach, but the melatonin in them is quite low (3 mg) a pill. They recommend you take two and that should be fine for most people, but the packet is quite small (16 pills)... +
I really like these because I find Gravol/ginger very effective for my upset stomach, but the melatonin in them is quite low (3 mg) a pill. They recommend you take two and that should be fine for most people, but the packet is quite small (16 pills) so I do find the price a tad high.
Still, in terms of being effective, they do the job. They helped me sleep and calmed my stomach down. The pills are nice and small and easy to swallow. Would recommend for those nights were your stomach keeps you awake.
My partner and I cook together and we really took our time to test this pan and make sure we got it right, since this was our first experience with cast iron. While the included guide covers the basic I would HIGHLY recommend anyone buying this or... +
My partner and I cook together and we really took our time to test this pan and make sure we got it right, since this was our first experience with cast iron. While the included guide covers the basic I would HIGHLY recommend anyone buying this or considering buying it to do your research on if cast iron is right for you. We’re still not sure if it's right for us (it’s a lot of work compared to regular pans), but can definitely see the appeal.
For example, many people think cast iron heats evenly, this is not the case for the metal and it’s prone to heat spots, but it does cook more evenly upwards. So like, it will cook the steak in the middle, even if it’s thick, as opposed to ending up burning the surface before the middle is cooked well.
There’s a lot of quirks and care that you’ll need to know if you’re deciding whether or not to go cast iron for the first time and it’s a lot of work, so make sure you definitely do a lot of research or you risk needing to fix the pan that you ruined. One common thing about cast iron you hear that’s 100 percent true, is that you shouldn’t put it in the dishwasher. However, you can and should wash it, just make sure to dry it carefully and even heat it a little afterwards to make sure it’s bone dry. If you have a glass cooktop, never EVER slide it around. Always lift.
Specifically speaking of this pan, it comes pre-seasoned, but still recommends you season, which we did. Because cast iron takes so long to cool, we did the seasoning process 3 times over 3 nights. When they caution you (on guides) to use very little oil and make sure it’s wiped off, they mean it. I used so little oil and still ended up with sticky spots that meant I had to put it into bake again.
However, once it was seasoned I really enjoyed it. This pan is much bigger than I expected and while there’s a lot of downsides of cast iron, like the need to use pot holders, there are lots of benefits too. One of the first things we cooked was pancakes. Since I make Scottish style ‘drop scones’ they are very dense and almost never cook well in the middle before the outside is burnt. Of course, we didn’t have this issue with cast iron and the pan worked like a dream.
This pan comes with a good quality lid and a silicone handle (both things some brands don’t include and that usually cost extra), both of which are essential for having the full cooking range and staying safe. If you’ve seasoned it well, it’s basically non-stick and it works extremely well for breakfasts, meats and pretty much anything. I got some recommendations for what to cook first and the common suggestions were pizza, dutch baby and cornbread, but I recommend starting with something simple like a cooked breakfast or pancakes.
Overall, this is a great pan that does exactly what’s advertised and is a really good, lower cost introduction to the world of cast iron cookware!
The bumps are barely there, but in terms of being a condom, it works well. We’ve had this issue before, so I don’t know why I decided to try again, but these are a tad small. It should be noted that they are not as small/pinchy as many other... +
The bumps are barely there, but in terms of being a condom, it works well. We’ve had this issue before, so I don’t know why I decided to try again, but these are a tad small. It should be noted that they are not as small/pinchy as many other ones we’ve tried (even Trojan brand), but I still think the condom industry as a whole is guilty of vanity sizing and if you’re anything but a tad over average, they’ll be too small.
Importantly, the dates are good on these, lasting until the end of 2023, so they’re not going to expire on you anytime soon.
I think when compared to some other lubes out there, it's ok, but I still haven't found a really good one yet. The descriptions of non-sticky and 'Seamlessly vanishes after use' are not accurate, really and that's what gave it this lower... +
I think when compared to some other lubes out there, it's ok, but I still haven't found a really good one yet. The descriptions of non-sticky and 'Seamlessly vanishes after use' are not accurate, really and that's what gave it this lower rating.
It's good while it's working, but it gets sticky and gummy fast and you end up using a lot more than you'd expect. For that reason, I didn't love it.
I don’t know if I received a faulty set of bags, but I had a lot of problems with these. They’re ok, just not as great as previous ones I’ve used. So here’s the deal, usually when you use vacuum bags, they suction air out a ton and become... +
I don’t know if I received a faulty set of bags, but I had a lot of problems with these. They’re ok, just not as great as previous ones I’ve used. So here’s the deal, usually when you use vacuum bags, they suction air out a ton and become all small, crunchy and basically empty of air. I thought being thicker and seemingly better quality, that these would be way better than my old ones. That was not the experience I had.
Firstly, the zipper wouldn’t work well for me at all. I tried running it over slowly, quickly, every which way. Nothing. We actually had to close the bags by hand. So that was already a disappointment. Then no matter how long I vacuumed, it never became ‘empty’ and like super, super compressed. Maybe it’s not great with a handheld vacuum (dyson), but I followed the instructions exactly. I would try my shop vac, but I don’t think most people have a shop vac just sitting around the house.
So my thinking was that the bags were too thick to become fully compressed. But then, I see other reviews got it to work, so I really am not sure if mine had a problem. They worked ok and made the stuff smaller for storage, but it just never got as extreme as I expected, or did it as well as pictured for other reviewers. It’s also weird that they didn’t put the suction section up in the ‘stop’ area, where no contents would block the suction.
I do like that you get a lot of bags in this pack in two sizes, but it’s quite expensive and didn’t work well enough for me to give it a higher rating.
Whitening products are known to interfere with sensitivity, but I do want to caution you to consider using these carefully if you have sensitive teeth. I do and while it wasn’t my worst experience, my teeth were extremely sensitive for a day after... +
Whitening products are known to interfere with sensitivity, but I do want to caution you to consider using these carefully if you have sensitive teeth. I do and while it wasn’t my worst experience, my teeth were extremely sensitive for a day after using this. If you think that’s worth it for the whitening experience, go ahead, but I wanted you to be aware of that.
If you don’t have sensitivity though, forge on, because this does whiten your teeth, even after one use (see pictures), though due to sensitivity I wasn’t able to continue on with the product. The instructions are also a bit unclear. It says to use once daily, but then also says only use twice a year. After doing a bit of research it seems you are intended to use the whole pack, all ten strips, once a day, but they don’t recommend repeating this more than twice a year.
The downside of this is it means you need around an hour and ten minutes every day wearing this. That’s because the light takes about five minutes (maybe a tad longer) per set of teeth as well.
If you’ve used whitestrips before, you pretty much know what to expect. They do stick to the teeth well, not the most comfortable thing in the world, but bearable. For me, the thing I see again and again with whitestrips is that the bottom one is not long enough. It’s designed only for the front teeth, which is fine, but because it stops on the ‘corner’ teeth, it never clings there and I find the loose plastic really annoying in my mouth.
It’s definitely bearable, but an hour is pushing it and I don’t recommend them to those with sensitivity. The light is comfortable enough to hold in your mouth (though quite big) and kind of feels like a mouth guard. You can hold it with your hand, or when needed use your mouth alone to hold it.
Even after only one treatment I noticed my teeth were obviously whiter, but because of the sensitivity I can’t use them again. I tried them on my partner and they worked really well, so I recommend them for those without sensitivity problems.
Last time I tested a curling wand, I looked up the differences between curling wands and curling tongs. The most obvious one you should know is that this doesn’t have the ‘clamp’ bit which you use to catch hair, you have to wrap the hair... +
Last time I tested a curling wand, I looked up the differences between curling wands and curling tongs. The most obvious one you should know is that this doesn’t have the ‘clamp’ bit which you use to catch hair, you have to wrap the hair around a curling wand. This means that, if me, you have a long pixie cut (long enough that straighteners can usually work) you might not be able to use this curler.
A friend volunteered to let me use this curling wand on them, but I realised in future that I should only use curling tongs, unless I grow my hair again.
Other than that, this performed just as expected from the GHD brand. GHD is expensive, stylish and lauded by celebrities and professionals alike and since using a lot of their straighteners, I’ve come to realise that they really are brilliant and quality hair styling products. Of course, the price is quite high and won’t fit everyone, but if you curl your hair a lot, it’s worth the bit extra.
Using this on my friend’s very long hair, it did an amazing job. I asked her if it was faster than usual (since I have shortish hair and usually curl very quickly) and she confirmed it was much quicker to get a full head of curls with me using this. Part of that could be because I’m doing it for her, but the GHD definitely helped as well. I’ve used the ‘Ultra Zone’ technology in other GHD products and it really makes a difference in how fast it curls (or straightens) the hair. I could tell right away that this curling wand had it, before looking at the box to confirm it. It also has the same uber fast heat-up and swivel cord that other GHD devices carry. Both, great features.
The reason I took a star off is because even though this is great at curling long hair, I feel it lacks the ‘coolness’ in design that other GHD products have. It’s black plastic and silicone all over and just doesn’t look as pretty and nice as the other GHD products. Of course, looks aren’t everything and it still performs wonderfully, I just miss the unique GHD look. One thing I do love, despite its ugliness, is the ‘cool tip’ which gives a safe place to put your finger when holding the end of the hair.
The tapered end allows for different sizes and shapes of waves and can really make so many beautiful styles in a much faster time than most curlers I’ve used in the past. If you’re looking for something safe, professional and popular that does a great job and has the quality to last, the GHD Creative Curl Wand does that and more. As impressive as the rest of GHD’s line, though not as pretty.
It comes with a protective glove, which would fit even bigger hands (I have a medium hand size).
The one thing I really liked about this lubricant is that it doesn’t really get gummy or sticky, like many do. The scent is also that standard ‘lube’ smell, but with a fresh hint of aloe which is pretty nice. However, unless I was sensitive... +
The one thing I really liked about this lubricant is that it doesn’t really get gummy or sticky, like many do. The scent is also that standard ‘lube’ smell, but with a fresh hint of aloe which is pretty nice.
However, unless I was sensitive (I’m not) I probably wouldn’t use this. The main problem is it absorbs very quickly, with a few minutes. So you’ll have to use a lot if you want to maintain the moisture level. If you actually need it for lubrication you’ll need to use more and more of it. If you just need a little to get started or for ‘insertion’ you should be fine with this, but for anything else I couldn’t recommend this.
I also like that it’s free of dyes and fragrance, as anything going in the PH sensitive parts, should be free of as much as possible. It’s also water-based so good for with condoms. Other than the fact it dries so quickly I had no problems.