Shade: Berry Lit I have a lot of problems with this one, which is surprising, because I love the colour and it's a good shade for me. Firstly, this is not a lip tint. It's really more like a lip gloss or liquid lipstick. A lip tint or stain tends... +
Shade: Berry Lit
I have a lot of problems with this one, which is surprising, because I love the colour and it's a good shade for me. Firstly, this is not a lip tint. It's really more like a lip gloss or liquid lipstick. A lip tint or stain tends to be transparent and gives you a hint of colour, this is a full on blast of colour. That doesn't bother me other than it being misleading.
The real problem is the applicator. I'll admit, maybe it's not a problem if you have extremely full lips. I have medium lips that have a lot of shape and curves. For lips like those, or even thinner lips, this applicator is not good. It's far too rounded at the tip and chunky to get a good application. The spongey tip also needs to be a little denser and firmer. As a result of this, it's impossible to keep the colour inside the lines or to do a good edge.
I usually favour a crayon or quick application type lip stuff, but this was impossible to apply well. From a distance it looks fine, but up close it's a streaky, bleeding mess (see close pic). I really didn't understand the shape of the applicator at all and it was a big disappointment considering the colour. I ended up throwing this in the trash and since I have a lot of makeup I didn't 'love' lying around, that should tell you everything you need to know...I really hate wasting stuff.
It also brags that you can do the Korean gradient style by dabbing it on. I watched a bunch of tutorials and none of the techniques I tried worked with this. Dabbing it just makes it go patchy and weird and it doesn't spread or 'gradient' well on the lips. You can see how chunky it is by looking at the heart swatch I drew (with the tip) on my hand. It just doesn't work if you have lips that aren't extremely full.
Really disappointed in these (and confused as to how other's like them). When it comes to makeup and beauty, quicker is better for me, but I can say the only thing these wipes did was refresh my face with cooling dampness. They didn't improve my... +
Really disappointed in these (and confused as to how other's like them). When it comes to makeup and beauty, quicker is better for me, but I can say the only thing these wipes did was refresh my face with cooling dampness. They didn't improve my skin and they certainly didn't take my makeup off well.
Let's start with the skin. My skin felt a little soft after using these, but nothing special and nothing compared to other cleansers and wipes I've previously used.
Makeup, it wasn't good. While it did take off the first layer of (pretty light) makeup, it struggled to get any of the rest off properly. When I was moving it over my face it looked like the foundation bubbling up, but it just looked like the wipe was pushing it around. On top of that, I found them too dry to remove makeup well and quite rough when trying to rub it off.
Part of this is because of the packet, which is my almost final note on the disappointment of these wipes. The packet claims to have a hydroseal, but they've committed a cardinal sin and one of my most hated wipe faux pas'. Yes, that's right, they have a simple 'sticky seal' on the top of the pack. The kind that loses stickiness (and I can see my pack is already peeling up a little) and one day pops open and dries out your wipes, forcing you to leave them upside down to keep them sealed.
Other wipe manufacturers have cleverly done away with this, using a plastic 'clip' closed top that cannot come unstuck and keeps your wipes moist. It's rare to see wipes still using this sticky top...but there it is. I hate it. I hate it so much and on expensive wipes especially it's a nightmare.
Lastly, I don't like the smell. It's overly sweet, cloying and clings to the skin.
I wasn't expecting a lot. I've used electric shavers before and not come anywhere close to a perfect shave. Let's get it out of the way immediately, if you expect the same shave you get with a manual razor, you're not going to get it. But with this... +
I wasn't expecting a lot. I've used electric shavers before and not come anywhere close to a perfect shave. Let's get it out of the way immediately, if you expect the same shave you get with a manual razor, you're not going to get it. But with this, it's close, so close. I can feel tiny stubble on some parts of my leg, but mostly it's smooth. Not dolphin smooth, but pretty damn close considering it's a good deal easier.
I used this dry (rather than wet) and on full legs. As in a full 'head of hair' on the legs. I have a chronic illness and while trying to find treatment and recover, shaving is the least of my concerns. I don't have the finest hair either. It's not crazy thick and black, but more light brown and medium thickness. With that in mind, this did a great job.
I followed the instructions by angling it on an incline and using the 'front trimmer' (sharp plastic bits following by a horizontal looking jagged blade) to cut down the thicket of hair first and followed it up with using the foil trimmers at a horizontal angle, like suggested. After two fast passes all the hair was visibly gone, but you could still feel some patches when running your hands over it.
My recommendation to get the closest possible shave is this. Like when you're using a regular razor, some patches of hair grow in different directions. Unlike a regular razor, you can use your hand to find these. When you feel it's stubbly, just go over it again. If it doesn't go away, try a few different directions. Using this method, within 15 minutes and with very little effort I had legs that were visibly hair free and felt pretty smooth. I'll definitely be using this from now on as it's so much easier than a manual razor and does an almost perfect job (in fact some bad manual razors I've used in the past don't do this good a job.)
The only two small downsides to me are, firstly, that the sharp plastic spikes can scrape a little when doing the initial trim and can irritate a little. And secondly, that you do need to charge it everytime as it only hold 30 mins charge.
I also tried it on my underarms. It was a little tougher there because the skin isn't as taut, but by holding the skin taut I was able to do a fast and easy job there too, though not as smooth as the legs. I won't comment on the bikini attachment as I don't use that.
The other thing I really like about this, is as it's a wet/dry, you can rinse it clean. I always find rinsing it easier and more effective than brushing it clean.
I've rated this a little higher than many of the baby products I've used lately, solely because it didn't dry out the scalp or hair and left both nice and soft. However, I've said it before and I'll say it again, why the fragrance? I simply don't... +
I've rated this a little higher than many of the baby products I've used lately, solely because it didn't dry out the scalp or hair and left both nice and soft. However, I've said it before and I'll say it again, why the fragrance? I simply don't understand taking out many of the 'nasty' products, but leaving in added fragrance. There's no need for perfume in a baby product. At all. Ever. Never mind one that lists itself as hypoallergenic.
I honestly don't really care if there's added perfume to my stuff, I like the smell, but on stuff being used on newborn or young babies there really shouldn't be any fragrance.
The fragrance in this stuff isn't too strong, but it's still strong enough to make me wrinkle my nose and while it's quite fresh smelling, I basically just wish it wasn't there. Other than that, I'm happy with the cleaning and moisturising power of this, I just wish they'd remove the fragrance or at least be more transparent about it.
This hand mixer is a lightweight, easy to use option for anyone who just needs to cover the basics. The mixer comes with two sets of attachments, but more can be purchased to expand your options as needed. I just wish they gave more details about... +
This hand mixer is a lightweight, easy to use option for anyone who just needs to cover the basics. The mixer comes with two sets of attachments, but more can be purchased to expand your options as needed. I just wish they gave more details about the optional attachments, as I'd hate to buy the wrong one and have it not fit. Out of the box, it comes with a pair of dough hooks and a pair of whisks, as well as a cloth bag you can use to store them when they’re not in use.
When first using the mixer, I was surprised by how lightweight it is, and how easy it is to maneuver. I image most adults could easily use this hand mixer for quite a while without needing to rest, and the effort needed to guide it around the bowl is minimal as well. I never felt like the mixer was about to fly off in the wrong direction, or like I was having to wrestle it into the correct position for what I wanted to do. It was very easy to guide it around with one hand, which meant I could adjust the speed or hold the bowl with the other hand.
Speaking of, the way that you adjust the speed on this mixer is something I really like. I was dubious at first because the dial on top of the mixer seemed tough to reach while it was in use, and too finicky to adjust precisely. To my surprise, because the mixer is lightweight you can easily take your other hand and adjust the dial, and it’s also a very precise control for the speed. Rather than having a few settings for speed (Low/Med/High) you can more accurately adjust the speed as you see fit, which means you’ll never find yourself stuck between two mixing speeds with neither of them matching your needs.
Despite being small and light, the mixer itself (especially on high speed) packs a lot of power. It handled everything I threw at it with ease and never struggled, even with tough dough. The hooks and whisks were easy to clean, though parts of the handle on the mixer itself seems to be made of silicone, which attracts dust and hair that can be a pain to clean off. It does give it good grip I wish they had found another option as I don’t want to spend ages cleaning pet hair or dust off the mixer before I use it each time.
The mixer needs to be plugged into the wall in order to work, but the power cable is quite long which means most people shouldn’t have trouble finding somewhere it can be plugged in.
Overall I’m very happy with this mixer. It’s a small, compact appliance that fits easily in my kitchen and can be stored in cupboards without getting in the way. It’s powerful but light, and easy to control. I personally only need the dough hooks and the beaters, so it covers the basics for someone like me. I prefer my stand mixer still, but this is great four households that only bake occasionally or people who can't lift a heavy mixer.
It's not that this doll is bad, it's actually a very sweet, fun doll that would work well for teaching kids about babycare, but I think it has a few flaws which might cause problems. The biggest one being that parents might not know what they're... +
It's not that this doll is bad, it's actually a very sweet, fun doll that would work well for teaching kids about babycare, but I think it has a few flaws which might cause problems. The biggest one being that parents might not know what they're getting into.
Succinctly put, cleanup is a nightmare and containing the 'mess' is similarly difficult. So while on the surface, packets of food and diapers seem great and many kids want a pooping/peeing doll, in practice it doesn't work out so well.
For example, the experience for me went something like this. First, you must mix the powder up with carefully measured water. Kids aren't going to measure this unless they are older or particularly precocious, so if you want it to go right, you must do it. The powder makes a gungy green syrup which smells really awful, like a super sweet chemical.
Next, you must let your little one 'feed' the baby. After every couple of spoonfuls, they must rinse it by squeezing water into her mouth. Again, you really need to be there to direct and considering things like the hair aren't supposed to be washed...well, let's just say a child feeding a child is exceedingly messy and there's lots of spills already. It was enjoyable (for the little one), but not for me and it's a lot of work.
Even though I measured carefully and we only fed 'Sweet Spoonfuls' the exact amount listed, her diaper ended up leaking at the sides. Luckily I had the foresight to do this on a tiled floor and the cleanup was easier because of it. Taking the diaper off is...well, it's an unwelcome flashback to liquid baby poops that I could live without and frankly, cleaning is a nightmare.
The food goo gets stuck in every crevice. Meaning even when you've rinsed and washed and wiped every bit of her nether-regions, you will still be finding green slime in her leg crevices and essentially anywhere that has a seam.
Because of this and the cost of diapers and replacement food, I'd recommend simply using it without food at all and feeding her water. A friend of mine also suggested using premature baby diapers as a cheap alternative (but I haven't checked to see if that's cheaper). By using her with only water, any spillage or leakage isn't a problem (unless it gets out of hand) and you don't need to observe as strictly during playtime, plus it makes clean-up a breeze.
Other than the whole 'poop' fiasco, I do like the doll. She's cute (though the open mouth is a bit creepy) and while her body is quite hard and not snuggly, that didn't deter our little testers from snuggling with her. The dress is really cute and has an easy detachable velcro neck tie (perfect for getting it out of the way fast for changing diapers).
The accessories she comes with are also cute and other than the diapers and food, they are reusable. So the bottle, comb and food dish are all great. The price is fair, but I simply wouldn't use this with food again and will stick to water.
As for unpacking it? It's as difficult as with most dolls, there's a few plastic ties wrapped so tight around her that they're extremely difficult to cut. As always I recommend pet nail clippers to cut them more easily. At least she doesn't require batteries!
If you've ever played with this style of toy before, you'll know already that they're an absolute blast, but you might be wondering why you would pay more, since these can be found very cheaply. The answer to that really comes down to quality and... +
If you've ever played with this style of toy before, you'll know already that they're an absolute blast, but you might be wondering why you would pay more, since these can be found very cheaply. The answer to that really comes down to quality and these are much better quality. The game itself is really fun and something that amuses younger kids and kids who are getting a little older too. It's a classic two player catch game that works great when playing with two different aged siblings, or just Mom vs kid.
So where does this version stand out? It takes that basic premise and improves on the tools for it. Simply put, it's cuter, safer and better quality. The plastic discs on this are sturdy and take a beating, as well as being shaped cutely like frogs they are two different colours so you don't get mixed up. The ball is a cute 'bug' design too. I've played the Dollar store version of this and it didn't last a season, certainly not in the pool...this is much better quality. Everything about it is thicker, better and put together well. You can see that the edges are not peeling up and it's not cheap cardboard.
One really good decision was making the ball 'soft'. I've played harder ball versions of this and I'm always worried about someone getting hit in the eye. The ball here is so squishy that even throwing it your hardest, it's impossible to hurt someone. You trade a little distance because of this, but the ball can still be thrown far enough (the length of a good sized yard without problems) and it's worth it for the increased safety. The ball still sticks really well and I like that it can be popped in the wash if it lands in the dirt or something foul!
My only complaint is the handholders are quite small. They are adjustable and at their biggest they just fit grown-up hands, but it could be a little larger to allow all family members to take turns playing together.
It makes a nice gift too, the packaging is brown, rustic and looks pretty cute and fancy. It's relatively easy to take out, just clip the plastic restraints (I recommend pet nail clippers for this) and you're ready to go. When I compare this to the cheaper version I own, it's miles ahead and a nice change from just playing frisbee again!
I wasn't sure what to expect before these arrived. I've used varying types of silicone tools, from the very cheap, to the name branded and I was surprised that these are up in the 'name brand' category. They are very chunky and firm, right up until... +
I wasn't sure what to expect before these arrived. I've used varying types of silicone tools, from the very cheap, to the name branded and I was surprised that these are up in the 'name brand' category. They are very chunky and firm, right up until the end of the tool which is flexible (as it should be), but still doesn't feel flimsy in any way.
Since they're silicone, they are prone to picking up dust and hair, though less-so than many I've used. However, it also makes them ideal for use in non-stick pots as they won't scratch it up. It's a good selection here that will work for baking or cooking.
Mostly, I was just impressed at the quality. Though the price is a tad high for me, there wasn't any defects from the factory or peely bits of silicone, something I commonly see on cheaper utensils. Would buy in the future!
This shampoo is ok, but it didn't really stand out for me. I didn't notice a reduction in my frizz or anything that backed up any of the claims, after using it for a little bit. It did dry my hair out a little bit, for that reason I wouldn't... +
This shampoo is ok, but it didn't really stand out for me. I didn't notice a reduction in my frizz or anything that backed up any of the claims, after using it for a little bit. It did dry my hair out a little bit, for that reason I wouldn't recommend using it would using conditioner alongside it (I use conditioner once a week) after every wash.
The scent was ok, it smelled quite good at first, but when lathering developed a kind of strange chemical smell. Overall, like the product, I wasn't really sure how I felt about the fragrance. I'll use it again and it cleans my hair, but I'm not entirely sold on this.
When it comes to cleaning skin and hair, this does an OK job, but we found it also to be a little bit drying, not something you'd want in a baby wash. Like the lotion I tried with this same scent, the biggest problem is the added fragrance. Not only... +
When it comes to cleaning skin and hair, this does an OK job, but we found it also to be a little bit drying, not something you'd want in a baby wash. Like the lotion I tried with this same scent, the biggest problem is the added fragrance. Not only is there no reason to have added fragrance in baby products, in this case it's absolutely awful. It's sickeningly sweet, cloying and extremely strong.
I found the scent here a bit weaker than in the lotion, but it's still extremely overwhelming. Worse, it clings to the skin and lasts all the way until the next wash. I found myself wrinking my nose whenever I snuggled the baby. For that reason, it's not something I'd use again, or recommend.