I stumbled upon a self-help book for women while online a couple weeks ago...after reading the free preview I decided i'd go out on a whim and purchase. it looked like a cute little book to read in my spare time so i said why not. Well...not... +
I stumbled upon a self-help book for women while online a couple weeks ago...after reading the free preview I decided i'd go out on a whim and purchase. it looked like a cute little book to read in my spare time so i said why not. Well...not only was the book cute, it was funny, sincere, cool, informative and has literally changed my life. As sooon as I started reading- I coud not put it down. Read the whole thing in two days. I feel like I was meant to find this book so I am sharing it with everyone I know. Since reading it i feel like my life has completely improved in all areas of life- my self esteem, my friendships, my weight issues, my dating/love-life, my goals----im now looking at everything from a completely renewed perspective. This book is AMAZING!!!!! I cannot express more how pleasantly surpriesed I am about the information I gathered as a result of reading it. Sex tips, love tips, finance tips, spirituality, God, family, beauty, night-clubbing, men, how to tackle life-goals.....this book covered soooo much in a manner that felt life I was getting advice from a great friend. Best 25 buck investment i have ever made. -