Code of Conduct

ChickAdvisor Chicks are women (and a few men) from across Canada who share and rate the things they love.

Great Chicks DO:

Share their honest and thorough opinion
We love it when Chicks are honest, engaged and dedicated to ChickAdvisor . We want all of our members to provide their honest and thorough opinion on anything they review. We love reading your truthful and detailed reviews - it helps everyone!

Disclose when they receive products for free
When you receive free products from ChickAdvisor , it is important to state exactly that. Show off your status as a Product Review Club member! Please include a disclosure statement in your reviews on and your social media posts (ex: #GotItFree).

Only review products they have personally tried
You must be able to vouch for a product from your own use. It’s great that your sister likes a particular shampoo but other Chicks want to hear what you think of it based on your own experience.

Share on social media
Share the love and ChickAdvisor offers with your online friends! Our best Chicks actively share Product Review Club offers and recent reviews online to express their excitement to friends and family. We have custom hashtags to go with most programs. Please use them and share the love!

Great Chicks DO NOT:

Create multiple accounts or use their friend’s account
One account per Chick , please! Fair is fair. Plus, don’t you want to share the love with other Chicks ? We want Chicks to use their own account for reviewing and applying to offers. If your friend wants to review something or apply to receive products, she can do it herself ;)

Use fake social media profiles
We expect our Chicks to use real social media accounts to share ChickAdvisor content on. It’s not cool to create a Twitter or Instagram account for the sole purpose of promoting ChickAdvisor content or other freebies and giveaways. When choosing who to send free products to, we do check out your profiles.

Copy and paste reviews
ChickAdvisor is all about honest and real opinions on the products you use and love. Each review should be unique to the product being reviewed - no copying and pasting of reviews is permitted.

Profit off freebies
It’s unacceptable to resell products received for free. This is a big no-no and will result in disqualification from future ChickAdvisor offers.

Use ChickAdvisor to sell things
Don’t review your own products or businesses. Don’t use our forums to promote yourself or your business. If you are interested in advertising opportunities, please contact us here.

Act mean or rude
ChickAdvisor is all about loving, sharing and rating your favorite products/experiences/shops. Please be kind and respectful to other members in our forums and be sure that your reviews and helpful and constructive. We are very proud of the positive and supportive community that ChickAdvisor is. Let’s keep it that way!