I have previously bought a couple of handbags from aldo. They are very affordable and they don't look cheap at all. They are quite long lasting but not as a high end brand. I have received many compliments from people asking where i had bought my handbags so that says alot.
I've purchased a few purses/bags and i'm really pleased with the quality and how long they last! They always have bright colours and the newest trends! I often find they they have a great 50% off sale on their bags and accessories!
I do get worried about the quality of my bags, while these are better than Walmart/Target bags, it does not hold up for more than a year or two. Sometimes I've purchased bags, and when I brought them home the bag started to rip or the decoration fell off. But in terms of design and colours and having a bag for every occasion, I will continue to shop here because you can't find these unique designs for miles. I feel better about the clutches- but backpacks not so much.
I LOVE Aldo. It's a great store! They have super cute bags and wallets. I also love their jewellery and accessories. I've personally purchased earrings, necklaces, gloves, headbands, backpacks, shoes, sunglasses, hats and keychains there. I find Aldo can be a bit pricey but they really are a great company and have awesome merchandise!
Any of the Aldo bags I have purchased last for awhile. I love that they have great colors and selections, as well, their prices are good. I have purchased many there throughout the years.
Aldo Accessories usually has a great variety of purses and clutches that are great for any occasion.
My most recent purchase was a olive fringe bag that I wanted for Coachella. It was a nice over the shoulder
bag and it wasn't too big to wiggle through the crowds. I was certainly happy with my purchase.
Great quality bag that held up well for the entire festival.
Aldo has some of the best bags available in that price range. They carry a wide range of styles so theres usually something for everyone. It's always one of my first stops when buying a new bag!
Gotta love Aldo accessories for affordable and good quality and fashional bags / clutches / purses!!
Bought so many over the years for evening / going out / events and honestly they last
They are affordable pricing without the brand names!
Good fashionable accessories
This ,pink beige clutch used over
Folds over
Lasts easy to clean and maintain
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.