This product is great for the price. my daughter loves doing her nails with this effect but I find it stinks bad
I got this as a gift so it cost nothing for me. The website says it retails at 6.99$ or if it's still on sale, 3.99$.
I was happy to receive this because I really wanted to try a crackle type top coat but was too cheap for O.P.I or worried that a cheaper brand wouldn't work. I was unimpressed at first, it just didn't look right, but I hadn't really nailed the technique yet so I tried again. You do have to put it on quickly and be sure to put a thicker layer on. I also tried it over a few different brands and colors and find it works better on some than others so a little experimentation with it is something I recommend.
I guess my review doesn't seem super great, but for the price I think it's worth it. Overall I loved the effect and it did "shatter". It worked really well with a metallic color underneath like silver or a very bright one like hot pink.
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