Must have for a a Teether..
I bought this baby banana for my grandson when he started teething. It was great, easy for him to hold, he loved to hold and chew on it. When I wanted to show him how we would brush his first tooth with it, he was so happy. He would sit on the floor with it when he wasn't chewing on it and brush his little tooth with it. Great product.
Bought this for my baby girl when she turned 4 months. Omg I love this product, so does my lo. She's 11 months now and I have 2 of them. She uses it herself and "brushes" her own teeth and gums. Keeps her busy and quiet at the same time. Ppl are always asking me about this in public and I tell them about it bc they think it's so adorable that a baby is brushing her own teeth. It's effective and also a great tool for teething babies. It's made of soft non toxic silicone and baby just loves gnawing on them. Highly recommend.
I love love love this and so does my son! It's great for teething and also gets baby used to the feeling of a tooth brush. We spent a lot on a certain expensive teething giraffe and wish I hadn't!
Great first toothbrush that also serves as a teether. Kids can start to use them very young because they cant choke on these and its very easy for those little hands to hold them.
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