Baby loves it!
My 9 month old loves this toy! it keeps her entertained and she loves it. It is a bit expensive but worth it! You can adjust the height so baby can use it while she grows.
Our daughter got this for her 2nd son. I can't say enough good things about this jumper. He loved it and would start trying to jump up on his own. It improves their leg muscles and coordination. The toys on it are very engaging and he loved playing with them too.
This is a GREAT jumper. There are a lot of different things that keep baby's attention and entertain them for extended periods of time. I started my kids at around 3-4 months and found they leaned forward a bit too much when used at that age but still seem to enjoy it a lot. As they get older, they seemed to love it more and more.
My daughter absolutely loved her jumper. She would jump for hours! It had sounds and music. Lots of toys to play with. Great colours to attract baby. This was a great jumper & I have it stored away for when we have our 2nd baby. Love it!
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