Bought this stroller for my sister in law as a baby shower gift. She wanted something that her toddler son could use and be independent in while accommodating her baby. It works really well and has a large storage compartment on the bottom. She used it quite a bit but now that her baby is a year old and her toddler is older he prefers to walk and for that purpose, it is just too big now. Great stroller for the first year but expensive for the amount of use she got out of it.
We loved this stroller for our twins!! Was heavy duty enough to be able to use in the snow, but compact to fit in the trunk. Loved that we could attach our carrier carseats into the stroller when they were infants and then were able to use it when they were out of those carseats. We used this until about age 2 when they fought over who got to sit in the front/back and then changed to a side-by-side stroller, otherwise would have continued to use this one! Also decent storage on the bottom! Was able to use it for smaller shopping trips!
I love this stroller, it has been a lifesaver. We bought it shortly after our second son was born. It is very convenient that the car seat snaps right in. My 2 year old son hates being confined in a regular stroller, being able to sit has made outtings much less stressful for him and me.
I have had this stroller for 9 months now and I do love it. Great for my 3 year old who is not quite ready for a sit and stand stroller as he does still fall alseep sometimes when we are out and about. The only thing that I would change on this stroller would be for the under basket storage to be larger as it is not really useable. I bought a "Mommy hooker" and bags and what not from that.
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