My 4 month old doesn't even fit in this chair. Her legs are too big I guess. It just seems pointless to me.she didn't like it at all.
its a great product if you have a small child, if your baby has chunkier legs the bumbo isn't for you. if they made the leg holes bigger you could use this product longer.
Love the idea and it is so convinient for traveling but my son outgrew it pretty quickly . Where his legs go is too tight for him ( hems got chubby legs) , Irma not worth the money for the amount of time they use it.
Thought this would be a great item to have to enable me to be baby free for a few minutes at a time to get things done....not a chance. My son outgrew it by 4 months. Not worth the money.
I thought the whole concept of the chair was a good idea and was excited to use it with my daughter, but what I found is that since my baby was on the chunky side we had a lot of issues trying to fit her thighs in the bumbo comfortably. It would definetly be a great product isli the leg part was adjustable. So unfortunately this product was a no go for us
Great little chair for bs y to sit in and look around. Tray was nice for when baby coul eat finger foods that weren't too messy like Cheerios.
It is on the pricey side but I think that comes with the brand and the patent or whatnot. It cleans easily and my experience with it has been positive so far. I've read some of the other reviews so perhaps it depends on the baby whether he/she is fussy or something. however, I like it.
at first sight it seams like a great idea and wonderful for a baby to sit in, but i can honstly say i was worrid when my son was in this chair. The chair is not very stable and moves when the baby sits back, i was scared it was going to tip over with him in it! not the greatest set to be putting a baby in. My son did not enjoy his time being in this chair not very comfortable.
Thankfully I was able to borrow one of these from a friend. I thought it was a MUST HAVE... well my son hated it for the most part. Used it maybe 4 times... this is not a must have by any means and expensive compared to other bouncers and chairs that offer more features and entertainment for baby.
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