This seat is in theory very interesting, which is why I bought one. But my daughter, at 4 months, was to big to fit in the seat. I had to hold the seat with both my feet to be able to pull my daughter out of there. The spaces for the thighs are just not big enough. I nice waste of money for me.
The bumbo seat is perfect to put the little one. It helps them sit up. Great for traveling and feeding.
was perfect when my son fit in it his legs wouldn't fit in it after 5months
would benefit with different sizes for the legs area
Our family loves these Bumbo Baby Seats. They are wonderful to help your child set up. They promote good posture and are amazing when you're trying to teach your little one nursery rhymes using your hands. With the child securly set in place they can use their hands to immitate you without falling over.
I really liked the bumbo and how it could be used for many things. In the bathtub, a portable high chair and a first sitter. Great item.
Bumbo is so overrated in my opinion. But every baby is different. We didnt use this as much, just a little, yes, for those first feedings and little hands free time. I got secondhand bumbo, so I wont complain, but I know that i wouldnt buy it new - just not worth it in my opinion.
These seats are only good for a short period and in a small time gap. I find the best age for these is between 2-5 months because by then they know to arch their backs and fall out. Also, they're not very good for chunky babies with thick thighs and the price is too expensive.
My son had no desire to sit in this seat. I tried several times at different ages, and he would scream if I placed him in this seat for more than a few minutes. I think it hurt his back. I wouldn't use this product again. There have also been some recalls of this item.
My daughters used these but only for a short amount of time. They were quite useful from about 3 months to 8 months. They can only be used on the floor, not on a raised surface like a table or counter. I would save my money next time!
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.