Both my kids didn't enjoy the bumbo seat. Their legs were a little big for the leg holes and they would cry after just a minute or two after being in the seat. When they wanted to sit and I wanted to get things done, I found it was easier to have them in their highchair.
Le siège bumbo est pratique pour asseoir bébé mais je le trouve dispendieux pour le temps qu'on peut s'en servir. Il est fait très solide!
I loved the bumbo for our first child and used it all the time. I don't know if I am going less places or just relying on highchairs for our second, we haven't used it as much. I know some people that their kids did not like the chair at all. And with the reports about children being injured, you just have to use with sense. Don't leave the baby in the bumbo on the counter.
Worked well when we used them, but a very narrow window of opportunity to use. Problem was by the time the kids were able to support their own head to sit in a Bumbo, they preferred to be able to move around, so spent most of the time trying to get out of the seat. Like that we received a safety belt from the company... came a little late and could have made better use of the seat with it, but better late than never.
good for set periods of time. As my sons legs get thicker, they are harder to fit in the leg holes. Overall though, quite happy with my bumbo. Also, doubles nicely as a first high chair.
My son didn't like to be sat in the jumbo as he felt stuck, his legs had to be pushed into it and when the table was on it seemed very tight, my son is only 25th percentile in weight so his size wasn't an issue. I just found it very tight and not worth the $60.
I really like the bumbo seat. I like how versatile it is. And how my daughter would roll it down some stairs and it wouldn't break. My daughter doesnt need it while shes eating or to sit up straight. But she does use it while we are in the tub.
My daughter just adored her bumbo seat! i wish i had bought it for her earlier. she out grew it pretty fast / lost interest. But the few months she did use it, she just loved it. I would put the tray on it and she'd sit for up to an hour.
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