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257 reviews
Catelli SuperGreens Fusilli Reviews


Catelli SuperGreens is an all-natural pasta made from 100% Canadian wheat and the super-goodness of spinach, zucchini, broccoli, kale and parsley*. It’s big on nutrients like potassium, fibre, iron and calcium and is made without GMO ingredients. It’s the perfect way to introduce a little green into your meal ideas.

  • Cholesterol Free
  • High source of fibre
  • Low in fat & sodium

*Made from dried vegetables.


    Value / Valeur

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    Just made a cheesy pasta using these noodles. The whole family loved it. I will be definitely buying this pasta again it took nothing away from the dish it added to it.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016
    Ontario, Canada

    #GotItFree from the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club.

    Wow, I was a little scared to try this product and am happy to say I was pleasantly surprised by how good it tastes! The texture is pretty similar and the taste is noticeable but blends nicely in pasta salad recipes. Good thing it came with a recipe card! It also is fantastic that it only takes 5 minutes to cook! Just prepared it for supper and so far my helpers have all enjoyed the taste too! Regular pastas are always going to be a staple in my home just because they go on sale often but for sure I will be buying Catelli SuperGreens whenever they go on sale! I will be sharing my experience with my friends and if there's anything leftover tonight I will share that too! Though I doubt there will be any!

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    Value / Valeur

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    Tastes great only problem was convincing kids that it taste good. They were not sold on green pasta but once they tried it they enjoyed it. Great addition to a salad.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    I made this as a mac and cheese dish, it came out amazing. Some healthier pastas have a hard time with sauce or cheese sticking but this was perfect!!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    Quel bonheur de recevoir ma boite de @Chickadvisor avec 2 boites de nouvelles pâtes Catelli que je pourrais essayer avec ma famille et surtout, avec les palais difficiles que sont mes garçons.

    Le concept général est que Catelli à réussi à intégrer des portions de légumes (importantes !) dans leur pâtes.. Et je l'espérais, à l'insu de mes enfants. Il faut le dire, j'avais l'impression que le concept s'adressait directement à moi et à toutes les mamans qui en ont assez de faire des tours de magie pour que fiston ose gouter à es affreux légumes qui leur feront ressembler à Hulk.

    Les Fusilli Catelli SuperGreens qui sont des pâtes naturelles, faites à partir d'un mélange de blé à 100% canadien et surtout : D'une variété de cinq légumes verts ( Épinards, Courgettes, Brocoli, persil et Kale).
    Confiante,, je me lance dans une recette de salade froide que je mettrai sournoisement dans les lunchs des fistons.
    Résultats et commentaires des garçons : Maman, ta salade de pâte était verte, bizarre...
    En arrivant à la maison, je regarde leur plats qui ont été vidés.
    Un 9/10 pour ma deuxième essai.

    Honnêtement, je vais acheter ces produits car nous mangeons souvent su spaghetti à la maison et je trouve ce concept très futé.

    Et, en passant, au prix que sont vendues ces boites de pâtes soit 2,29$ et 2,49$ (suffisant pour 4 gloutons) on peux dire que c'est très peu chère pour le plus value ajouté.

    #gotitfree #trycatelli @chickadvisor

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    Value / Valeur

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    This one is perfect for the whole family. Especially for my kids who are picky eaters. They really like this pasta without knowing they are eating veggies as well.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    These are great Catelli SuperGreen Fusilli. They take a little longer to cook but taste great! I would buy them them again and again!! All the kids enjoyed them!

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    Value / Valeur

    Quality / Qualité

    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    I received this as part of the review club.
    Catelli SuperGreens Fusilli tasted good and
    was nutritious as well.The healthy taste is noticable, so it may not be easy to feed to picky eaters.

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    Value / Valeur

    Quality / Qualité

    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    I received this pasta from Chickadvisor and i was soo excited to cook it. I'm trying to eat healthy but my family always complain. With catelli i'm more than happy with the great taste and healthy choices. My daughter didn't like it because it's green (very picky eater) but i can assure you the taste is amazing. Even my husband who doesn't like colored pasta liked it alot. Will be buying again for sure: supergreen for us and the vegetable one for my daughter :-))

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    Value / Valeur

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    September 28, 2016

    I didn't find that there was any difference in the taste or texture of this pasta, which is fantastic because I can sneak in extra nutrients for my family without them noticing. The price of this pasta is also comparable to regular pasta, so why not purchase one with extra nutrition in it. I feel better serving this pasta to my family.

    I received this product as a sampling opportunity with chickadvisor.

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    These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.