From making horse bridles and saddles to making handbags that adorn the arm of nearly every woman around. I have a love and hate relationship with Coach. I love the three Coach bags that I have, which includes the plum coloured Madison Patent Leather Maggie handbag, my most recent purchase. However, I have been very particular about choosing the right purse and not following every trend as it comes along. None of my Coach purses have the big C embroidered or stamped all over the purse. That's just not my style. I prefer something a little more discreet, and thankfully Coach makes handbags for everyone. There is one style for every woman - and man, as they have many wallets and bags designed specifically for men.
If you plan to buy a purse from the Coach Factory Store, be sure to know whether you are buying a handbag made only for sale at the outlets, or if it is one that you could purchase from the regular Coach stores. Many of the purses at the Factory Store are only available at the outlet, and have less resale or investment value.
I love all Coach products!! I have numerous Coach purses and clutches. They are great quality and built to last. I love the clutches for evenings out with my guy or going to formal functions. I love checking out the Coach website to see what's new and fresh for the season. They are always have great styles and colours.
I love coach bags but theres tons of replicas out there, so I get asked a lot if its real. It gets annoying real quick, but after spending over 160 for my bag you better believe I say its real!haha. Great company and tons of different products.
I love coach bags. They're a bit pricey but its worth it. The material is excellent and more durable than any other bag I own. The bags go with everything and don't flash the label to you so much that it's over-powering. The bags are great no matter where you are. I especially find the cross-body bags enjoyable. The leather strap is great to take weight of your shoulders and never leaves marks either.
I love coach because they offer great quality of products and great price. The price is reasonable so that you can buy several designer quality bags for the price of one. This make sit easier to follow trends. The material and craftsmanship and also trenidness is what impressed me about coach.
For the price of a deparment store bag, you can get something that looks and feels like a designer bag.
I am in love with Coach! Now, having said that I will tell you that I am not generally a fan of highly priced designer merchandise. So, I go to the Coach outlet in Buffalo once a year and invest in a great purse, wallet, tote, or accessory piece at a fraction of the retail cost. I feel that Coach makes a quality product that holds up well at a decent price point for higher end shopping. The look is easily recognizable and classic so you can invest a bit of money and know you will use the product for a long time. The only issue I have is that Coach gets cloned a lot so people are always asking if my great Coach tote is real or a knock off. Maybe I should keep the bill of sale on me!
I'm completely obsessed with the Emily Satchel right now. Coach teamed up with a few notable fashion bloggers to create one of a kind limited edition bags that reflect the blogger's taste and personality. Brilliant move, I think.
To be honest, I generally don't like Coach bags because I'm not a fan of anything with a lot of logos on it. This one is a classic and the soft pink colour is unexpected yet versatile. It retails for $498 and can only be purchased online or you can order it directly from one of the stores. For the quality and style I think it's a good buy.
I received one of these from my best-friend for my birthday and i absolutely love it. She said that for the look and quality of it She paid a nice price for it. I totally agree with her. I have gotten so much wear out of it because it goes with anything.
For me, my purse is my calling card. Nothing says "Look at me, i am ever so wonderful" like a Coach purse. I got my first one two years ago and it was worth every penny. They are well made, durable and always on the must have list for me!
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