I like Coach, they have nice handbags and accessories. With that being said, I do not find the quality to be overly as good as cheaper alternatives. You are essentially paying the for the brand. However, these bags are cute I must admit, and when you get them on sale, they are worth it. They last for years!
What can I say about Coach? Well it has to be one of the best purses I have ever bought! They are very durable and keep clean very easy. They have beautiful designs! I love the canvas purses! They are on the expensive side but you pay for quality and thats what I love in a good purse!
Most of my handbags are from coach. I love the classic styles and quality of some of the models.
I find the quality is different when you purchase from the outlets though, but I still love the brand.
I own a variety of coach bags. I found that a lot of the bags in the coach store were a bit too flashy for me so I tend to be more attracted to the solid coloured leather bags. The is a huge variety of styles and colours. I try to stop in the outlet when I'm near Calgary to check out the deals. I don't think I'll pay full price for a coach bag again. With that said, they are fantastic quality. I am hard on my bags and the coach ones hold up well against the abuse.
Beautiful purses but way to expensive for me. Lots of selection though to choose from all th time which is nice.
I have lots of coach product. Bags are fatabolous . Does work really gud. never tear off. woth paying for it even every single penny
I think the whole Coach fad as lots its luster, but I still do like their bags. I don't pay full price, I watch for sales. I have a couple and love them and they have lasted me years. I take really good care of them - I like my things to stay new looking. They are high quality materials and leather.
I have lusted after Coach bags forever - but I have never been able to justify the price. I just bought my first ever Coach bag this summer after visiting an outlet mall and finding an outlet Coach store. I found a BEAUTIFUL black leather Coach purse with beautiful black trim with a hint of sparkle. it retailed for over $400, but I got it for $90 with the outlet pricing, plus 50% off sale. It is really practical for such a pretty handbag - it has magnetic closures, a lot of great pockets, the inside divider is reinforced so it doesn't fold over and hide half your purse (a typical problem). Aside from loving how it looks, it also LASTS! I have worn it every day since I purchased it (even after promising myself it would be a "special occasion" purse). I haven't treated it any different than any other purse of mine, and I am hard on purses. It looks brand spanking new still. I will still only buy Coach as a special treat, and only at outlet pricing, but I am so in love.
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