I like Coach, they have nice handbags and accessories. With that being said, I do not find the quality to be overly as good as cheaper alternatives. You are essentially paying the for the brand. However, these bags are cute I must admit, and when you get them on sale, they are worth it. They last for years!
Well it's a designer bag, of course I'll say they are expensive. I love the styles though. I own 3 coach purses and I always get compliments on them. I always hit the Outlet stores so I can check if they have good deals. I am cheap that way and refuse to pay full price.
The bags are very stylish and durable. I love all mine.
Coach as a company is great. I used to work for them and I will continue to purchase their products. They stand by their brand and make beautiful items that last. The leather is always super soft. The outlet quality bags are not as nice, but are still good items
What can I say about coach I love my oversized bag. I love the quality and the colours you can get. I also got my daughter a smaller bag and she just loves it. I have never had any issues with the purses . I will purchasing again in the further
What can I say about Coach? Well it has to be one of the best purses I have ever bought! They are very durable and keep clean very easy. They have beautiful designs! I love the canvas purses! They are on the expensive side but you pay for quality and thats what I love in a good purse!
After my first coach bag, I can't go back to anything else. It might be more costly, but they last and stand up to anything. One of the first bags I purchased, I used it every day for almost 10 yrs.
I can't speak much on price because mine was gifted to me, but because this will last you- the price shouldn't be that bad when you take that into consideration. Be weary of buying it online, make sure the serial number actually exists (log onto forums or ask a trusted specialist). Great designs and a fashion classic for sure!
I only own one coach purse and it is so durable and has lasted me for so long. I use it for months at a time then change to another and back to it and it is still like new. It is worth the purse for it
I am a purse addict and Coach is one of my favourite brand. I own and have owned many many product from coach and the quality is great. The brand is really classic and very affordable, when its on sale.
Coach is such a classic brand. I have many coach purses and I love them all. They are such amazing quality and last a long time. I love their classic looks as well as colourful prints.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.