My daughter got this for a gift and she loves it. Great for the warning how to walk ans great for going fit a ride. It got music as well. Very glad my daughter got one.
This was a great gift that my daughter received. She just not started really using it and she loves all the music that comes with it and all the little buttons. She pushes it around the house all day long its gonna be great in the summer to use outside
This was a great purchase. My daughter loves this! Got it when she was 8 months and still loves it at 20 months. Seat has a lid that has a small storage compartment underneath. Lots of different buttons, sounds and lights. Sturdy for baby to sit and ride on. Has little handle at back for baby to either be pushed or for baby to push toy themselves once they're walking and a bit steadier. Great toy. Hours of fun. I'd buy this again in a heartbeat!
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