Evenflo is the best
I ordered this seat for my son a few months ago to replace the old seat that someone had given us for him, but I had never liked. My son absolutely loves his new seat and says that it is a lot more comfortable than the old one. I like how light weight the seat is, as well as how affordable it is. I think the only thing that would make me love this seat more is if it had the click adjust knob for the 5-point harness. I absolutely love the click adjust on my daughter's evenflo triumph seat because it makes fattening her in so quick and easy. This seat has been great for my son, and I am excited to eventually order a second seat for my daughter.
Great after the Infant carrier
It is billed as a harnessed booster car seat. It works with a five point harness for children 22-50 lbs. I used after my baby outgrew their infant carrier. This seat allows for a second car seat to be used beside it and is often on sale throughout the year at most baby and big box stores
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.